What is Cursillo ?
Cursillo is defined as a " short course in Chrisianity". It is a method to live
out our life with what is fundamental for being a Christian.
What is a Cursillista ?
It is a man or woman who has made a three- day Cursillo weekend.
What is a Fourth Day Group ?
It is a group of Cursillistas that meet reqularly ( usually once a week ) to share their
lives as Christians and their apostolic action. Their actual meeting together is called a
What does PSA mean?
It means Piety, Study, and Action. These are the neccessary ingredients to share our walk
with Christ.
What is a Team School ?
It is the preparation needed to plan and organize the cursillo weekends. It usually
involves 10 weeks of preparation.
What is a Secretariat ?
It is a governing board of the Cursillo movement on the national, regional and local
What is Palanca ?
It is a word from Spanish which means "lever", which allows a person to move
beyond his/her capabilities, In the Cursillo sense, it is the prayer and sacrifice which
is offered to God so that we, as apostles, may accomplish more than we would be capable of
What is an Ultreya ?
It is a means to renew and strengthen our Cursillo and Christian spirit by being around
fellow Cursillistas. It is a restoration of the love and support felt on the Cursillo
Who are these exuberent, crazy people ?
They are your friends, neighbors, co-workers and total strangers ( but not for long ) .
What is the basic criteria for a
First: That the candidate be in a position to receive the
Second: Those who have psychological or emotional problems or
whose moral life is not in order, should not go.
Third: that they have been properly prepared for the weekend
and will be taken care of in the post Cursillo.
How do I become a Sponsor ?
By making a Cursillo weekend and knowing someone you consider to be a good candidate for a
Cursillo weekend .
Why do I need to have a sponsor ?
Unfortunately, the Cursillo weekend is not for everyone. The people selected to make the
weekend must be far enough along with their walk with Christ to understand the message of
the weekend.
What is DeColores ?
It is the theme song of the Cursillo movement. The title means " many colors "
and is usually used as a greeting between Cursillistas.
What are the words to the 'De Colores' song ?
SPANISH VERSION DeColores, DeColores se visten los campos en la primavera DeColores, DeColores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera DeColores, DeColores es el arco iris que vemos lucir Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores Me Gustan a mi Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores Me Gustan a mi Canta el gallo, Canta el gallo con el quiri, quiri quiri, quiri, quiri. La gallina; La gallina con el cara, cara cara, cara, cara. Los polluelos, Los polluelos con el pio, pio pio, pio, pio. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores Me Gustan a mi. Y por eso los grandes amores De muchos colores Me Gustan a mi. |
ENGLISH VERSION All in color; all in color The fields love to dress in All during the springtime. All in color; all in color The birds have their clothing That come every season. All in color; all in color The rainbow is vested Across the blue sky All in color; and so must all love be Of every bright color To make my heart cry. All in color; and so must all love be Of every bright color To make my heart cry. Sings the rooster; sings the rooster With his quiri, quiri quiri, quiri, quiri. And the cluck-hen; and the cluck-hen With her cara, cara, cara, cara, cara. And the babe-chicks; and the babe-chicks With their pio, pio pio, pio, pio. All in color; and so must all love be Of every bright color To make my heart cry. All in color; and so must all love be Of every bright color To make my heart cry. |
What should I know before working a
Cursillo ?
Besides being a Cursillista, you need to know nothing !! Just come with a smile and an
open heart to the Team School Meeting and you will be assigned to one of the many tasks
neccessary to accomplish the weekend.
What does the Cook's Team do ?
It is responsible for feeding the entire team and candidates for the weekend. It is ran by
the chief Cook and the Assistant Chief Cook, who make up all the meal menus and arrange
for all the food to be bought. It is also responsible for alot of humor on the weekend,
because as most people know, the way to someone's heart is through their stomach!
What is the Core Team ?
They are responsible for coordinating the talks and other spiritual activities of the
weekend. This consists of evaluating all the speakers for the weekend and making sure they
are ready to deliver God's message to the candidates.