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In my seclusion, I am learning; I am seeking only to be one with my spirit. I believe in God, a spirit, moving, with resurrected flesh. Man ordained rules for acceptance into the Kingdom are, I think, misleading. Consequently, we continually work to obey this mockery and pursue our eternal place. The spiritual is unfortunately ignored and left to feed itself. God is my teacher as I strive to comprehend this realm, so overlooked, so seemingly disconnected. I realize I am so blessed to have been shown, to know without doubt.

I struggle to have peace of mind, to reconcile with the unpleasant consequences for choices I have made. I strive to be gentle and compassionate with humility and kindness driving away the boastful and cruel. May my expectations of others be bound. I plead for a softened heart, that sudden thoughts of contempt, ridicule, and judgment vanish immediately . May I speak with honesty and laugh with treasured joy; may my spirit translate to those around me wisdom and certainty.

Copyright 1999
Up Country Creations