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Wind and Water

The wind blew gently through her long black hair as she slipped her feet into the water.
Her dress of leather adorned by beads and fringe was a product of her enduring heritage.
Her radiant eyes reflected the splendor she saw in the world.
Her undefiled ears listened only to the words of nature.
She touched the wild grass with her slender fingers feeling the breath of life in each blade.
Her days were full of labor, a labor of love for her people.
A togetherness maybe never known by other nations.
She showed no evidence of scars from hardship.
Her devotion was born of an eagerness to serve.
She trusted the land, the water and the sky to provide.
She had been taught confidence and pride of self.
Her purpose was well defined and she accepted it gracefully.
She had almost a saintly aurora, a full comprehension of person.
Her unselfish dreams and desires had been fulfilled.
Her spirit was truly in solidarity with all creation.

Copyright 1999
Up Country Creations