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The Axe

Susy was spending the night at Julie's house one night. Since they were 12, Julie's parents let them stay home alone while they went out. After their parents left, Susy and Julie watched horror movies until midnight. They decided to go to bed since they were so tired. SO, they went to bed and didn't get to sleep. They couldn't. The noise that they heard downstairs bothered them. The footsteps. They heard footsteps downstairs. Julie couldn't take it anymore. "I will go check it out." Julie said. Susy didn't say anything. She just shivered under the covers. Julie walked down the stairs that were right next to her bedroom. After about ten minutes, Susy heard someone running up the stairs. She tucked her head under the covers. Someone sat down next to her bed, then someone else ran back downstairs. The person next to her was hitting the side of the bed. THUMP, THUMP, THUMP. Susy whispered, "Julie, is that you?" No answer. Just the thumping of someone hitting her bed. Susy reached her hand out and felt the fur around Julie's neck of her pajamas. It was wet. Very wet. Susy didn't pay any attention. She went to bed. When she woke up the next morning, she looked up and saw Julie, well, part of Julie. Just not her head. The nerves in Julie's body were jerking and hitting the side of the bed. The fur on the neck was soaked in blood. The killer never saw Susy under the covers. So next time you get scared, it may be a good idea to tuck your head under those covers.

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