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The Gas Station

This girl, Sarah, was driving one night down the highway to go to her parents wedding aniversary party. She noticed that she was running low on gas so she pulled off at a gas station. The man who answered looked like some pyscho killer. She got scared. She asked for him to fill up her gas tank. He did and asked for money or a credit card. She rolled down her window and gave the man her card. He went inside and came back out a little bit later saying that the Credit Card Company called. She went inside and picked up the phone. There was just a dial tone. The man locked the door. She screamed and pushed him to the ground then threw the phone through the glass. She jumped out and ran. The man got up and screamed, "NO! Stop! Dont go!" She jumped in her car and drove off. The man ran up, "NO! There's someone in your backseat!" Just as he said that, someone appeared in the backseat with an axe and chopped Sarah's head off.

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