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The Hook

This boy(we'll call him Bill) and this girl(we'll call her Susy) were in a park just outside of New Orleans around midnight listening to the radio and making-out. The radio announcer interrupted the song and said, "We're sorry for this interuption but a mad killer has just escaped from the New Orleans Insane Asylum. His trade mark is the hook he has for a right hand. Be on the look-out." Susy pushed Bill off of her and said that she was getting really scared. Bill said, "The Asylum is 3 miles from here, there is no way he is anywhere around here. Dont worry. Now stay here while I go take a piss." Susy couldnt stop him and so she just let him go. When he closed the door Susy noticed that the windows were fogged so she couldn't see outside. She waited and waited. Then there was a bang on the door. "Let me in!" Bill cried. "Its FREEZING out here!" Susy thought for a moment that he had seen the killer, but he hadnt. She let him in and they got back to business. Bill rolled onto the ground and his foot hit the gas. They jolted forward. Bill got up and wiped his face. Since they were already close to the exit, they decided to leave. When Bill dropped Susy off, they both noticed the Hook stuck in the door handle. The killer was about to slash both of their throats.

Now, to make this story more scary, just delete the New Orleans part and add a large city near where you live. This truly did happen. The others didn't, but THIS ONE DID. So remember this the next time you go to the park for some fun.

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