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The Bar

One day a man, James, was at a bar. He was talking with some friends when he saw a girl that he thought was pretty hot. He walked over to her casually and sat down by her. He asked her what her name was. She replied, "Nicki." He sucked up to her(the usual) to make her like him and then she offered to bring him back to her apartment. He said he would so they went to her apartment in a rich part of town. They talked a little then she offered to give him a drink. He got one and was knocked out cold. When he woke up, he was in a bath tub full of ice. Later on, he discovered that one of his kidneys was gone. The doctor said he would be all right and that his kidney was probably sold on the black market. So, next time you go to a bar, remember: don't go to someone's apartment that you dont know.

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