Vic's Place
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Vic's Place


Since I finally got my computer back, I figured I may as well update my webpage. I also figured that, since it was praising the LSU football team, it was pretty outdated.

Not to worry. Josh Booty, quarterback extraordinaire has finally been released from his baseball contract. No thanks to his Florida Gator loving "former" boss. If only our defense can find a way to stop other teams from scoring over 40 points per game this year, I'm sure Josh will help us to maintain our potent offense. I see many Booty-to-Booty conections in Tiger Stadium's near future.

Who is this guy?
Please be patient, I promise that my likeness will grace this little corner of the net in the very near future.

It is worth waiting for *smile* :o)

Since I'm a handsom little devil, I'll keep this likeness in it's place.

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