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Let's take a trip back in time. . .

Jason was in a band. They needed a guitar player and the other guy in his band, Simon, recommended his cousin Darren. Simon got a hold of Darren to get together for a rehearsal. Darren showed up at Jason's house and the three of them played together. They didn't see Darren for a while, and then they did, and they became a band.

One night, when Darren and Jason were jamming, Jason's little brother brought home his friend Alex. Jason had gone to elementary school and film class with Alex. They were friendly. Alex sang for them that night. He was pretty good.

Time passed and a gig was in view. They were in need of a singer. After some pondering, Jason recalled that night that Alex sang. So, he tried to track him down and finally got a hold of him and asked if he would like to sing in their band and, yes, he did. So, Alex came along and it was good.

More time passed and Jason was in need of new drumsticks. While in the act of purchasing his new drumsticks, a guitar solo danced into his ears. It was Jacques. Jason asked Jacques if he'd like to join their band, but Jacques was already in a band. So, Jason asked if he'd like to play with them when he wasn't playing with his own band, and he said, "Sure." However, it took a while before Jacques came around. Jason would call him and he'd come up with some excuse that prevented him from getting together to jam.

One day Jacques gave Jason his friend's number; his name was Sam and he also played guitar. As Jason went to call Sam, the phone rang. It was Sam. They talked and then conference-called with Darren and found out Sam was free for practice.

The day of the practice came along and Sam asked Jason if Jacques could come along. Jacques wanted to check out the band. Jacques sat on a stool and observed the practice which consisted of Jason on drums, Darren on guitar, Alex on bass and Sam on guitar. At one point, Alex was singing and Jacques found a mic and started harmonizing along. Eventually, the guys were all playing with the addition of Jacques on guitar. Time passed and instrument assignments changed: Alex was off bass and Sam was on. So, in L.A., in a Pizza Hut, in the year of 1994, they officially became a band. Ta da.

They acquired their name from a cheesy 60's sci-fi movie. Alex found a CD, Neil Norman's Science Fiction's Greatest Hits: Volume One, in his room, played it, and was intruigued by a song which he learned was the theme from the movie, The Phantom Planet. He pitched the name to the rest of the band and they all liked it and it stuck.

This was the creation of the extravaganza known as Phantom Planet. Thank you.

lead vocals, guitar

Name: Alexander Greenwald
Birthday: October 9, 1979
Height: 6'0"
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown

guitar, vocals

Name: Jacques Menachem Brautbar
Birthday: March 14, 1979
Height: 5'10"
Hair: light brown
Eyes: brown


Name: Jason Francesco Schwartzman
Birthday: June 26, 1980
Height: 5'5"
Hair: brown
Eyes: grey


Name: Darren Michael Robinson
Birthday: August 24, 1978
Height: 5'7 1/2"
Hair: brown
Eyes: green

bass, vocals

Name: Samuel John Farrar
Birthday: June 29, 1978
Height: around 6'2"
Hair: light brown
Eyes: blue