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junk: Où est Jacques Deux?

I went with my friend to Youth Quake 2000, this huge, amazing, crazy, annual Christian youth thing at Briercrest Bible College in Caronport, Saskatchewan. People came from everywhere to attend - Canada, the US, and there was one girl from Australia. Anyway, this is about Jacques Deux.

One day, while standing outside for an aerial picture taking, I saw a guy who reminded me of Jacques - mind you, I never really did get a very good look at him, but I'm pretty sure he looked like Jacques. He had brown hair, and it was Jacques-ish, as was his face.

I needed a name for him, because I didn't know his real name, so my friend and I tried to think of a one - preferably a French one. So we thought as we crunched through snow, and we finally agreed upon Jacques Deux. So, for the rest of the weekend, we'd walk around saying, "Où est Jacques Deux?" "Allô, Jacques Deux, where are you?" "Where is Jacques Deux?" all in French accents - I probably did this more than my friend. It was good fun. Maybe even annoying at some point because there is a line you can cross.

Either the next day or the day after that, we saw Jacques Deux with his friends and I really wanted to go up to him and tell him he looked like Jacques and ask him if I could take his picture. So, I went up and stood by him and probably gave my friend a few "what should I do?" looks and we probably laughed a bit, and I didn't end up asking him; he walked away. But as he walked away, my friend got a picture of him. It's the back of his head, and it's really small, but it's a picture nonetheless.

The legend of Jacques Deux lives on. I'll throw out an, "Où est Jacques Deux?" every once in a while. I also made a mixed tape, for my car, entitled, "Où est Jacques Deux?" It's a good tape, but not as good as, "I'm With Orin."