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junk: The Boys According to Suzanne
I sent Suzanne a bunch of questions to get her opinion and such on the boys. I realize some of the questions are dumb. Leave me alone. I intend on adding more to this, so if you'd like to help out by contributing some not-dumb questions, please send them.

Your first impression of. . .
Alex: What a nice and well-mannered person... Are you really the lead singer of a band?
Jacques: This guy has my glasses on! Good taste.
Sam: Wow, you look like Thom Yorke.
Darren: Super firm-gripped handshake = very sincere. I just met him and he keeps offering me some of his Vitamin C candy every 10 minutes. Cool guy.
Jason: So THIS is the Jason who (my friend) Dave used to drive around when he was his mom's assistant. Dave must've been entertained every single time.

One good thing about. . .
Alex: ...always has the desire to learn something new.
Jacques: very honest and is always himself.
Sam: the nicest person I've ever met.
Darren: a very good listener.
Jason: ...can talk to anybody in any environment, any mood, and any situation.

One word to describe. . .
Alex: hip
Jacques: curious
Sam: laid-back
Darren: passionate
Jason: charming

If he were stranded on a desert island, what three things would he want with him?
**All five of them would want an airport, airplane, and a pilot to fly the plane.

One of his favourite things to do. . .
Alex: shop. Alex has a good eye for hard-to-find music, vintage clothing and random toys/gadgets.
Jacques: eat out. Jb goes out to eat at least once a day. The most interesting table conversation always comes up.
Sam: jam. If not with the band or his roommates or friends, Sammy can kick it on his own for hours and hours and hours. The garage at his house is a mini studio, and he records demos for his friends and is always making music. This is especially cool because he's got really good taste in music!
Darren: learn. When he gets interested in something, D will find out everything he can about it, and know it to the extreme. He constantly studies music theory, and he even builds his vocabulary almost on a daily basis.
Jason: create. If J isn't writing a story, he's writing a song, or he's drawing, or he's documenting, or he's jamming, or he's filming...

When you feel like crap, who can make you crack a smile?
All of them.

Had any interesting dreams about the boys you can share?
I only remember of one dream, but the memory is pretty vague now. All I can remember from it was that we were on tour, and something about the tour bus was a big deal in the dream. Hmm...

Do the boys have any rarely heard nicknames?

When food falls on the floor, who abides by the “5 second rule”?
That would be no one! Unless perhaps it was the only available food for hours...

Who’d choke up watching a sappy TV commercial?
Jason would, but only because he was joking about it, and then he'd turn it into a long, ongoing thing, and we'd forget how the joke originated.

Who’d go on a spontaneous midnight road-trip?
Sam and Alex

Who’d rather sleep than eat? eat than sleep?

Who’d name their dog, “Dog”?

Who’d put on a fake accent for a day and pretend he was from another country?

Who’d take a walk in the rain without an umbrella?
Um, that's a tough one. They've all done it before, but not just for the heck of it... it was because they needed to get to point B from point A.

Can you share any other interesting information about the boys?
All Phantom Planet members can swap instruments and play each others' very well. It's really cool to watch them warm up and just get on the instrument nearest them and start jamming.

- Feb.7'01