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september 5, 1999; 10:48 PM
I'm struggling.
Caught between two worlds.
The first, I'm native to~
The dark shadows of my mind.
Liquid black surrounds me,
Oozing with depression and anger.
The only color~ a few drops of red.
Deep, dark red. Dark enough to be
Blood~liquid life force.
Only, this life is filled with hurt and pain.
This life is empty and dead.

Then, there's the second~
Totally brand new.
I'm somewhere between my heart and my head.
Surrounded by warm golden light,
With soft pink kneaded in.
I feel loved.
I feel happy.
I feel safe.
For once,
The anger of the world
Is all outside.
I am embraced by love.
Nothing can hurt me.

But I am tossed back and forth,
From one world to the next.
One is a dream,
The other is reality.
But... which one is true?
Which one will shatter?

::the world around you can explode at any moment. prepare.::