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My Summer Thus Far
By: Gavin Dow
Ahh, summer. You wait all the school year for it to begin,
And when it finally arrives,
It's really not that fun.

But I think this one was different.
Sure, it was boring.
But, it had its moments.
Moments like no other summer has had.

June, was good, it was my month of cooling off.
From a long, tiring year of school.
And a month, thinking about that last day.
And those blue-green eyes...

July, was the month, however,
That so many things happened.
It was the month I broke up with my girl.
I'll forever miss her.

But that same month
I went up north
And saw the best fireworks
In all the land.

July, as I said, was the month.
For that same month, I danced.
With a beautiful girl named Amanda
Whom I havent seen since.
(I'll see ya next year!)

But, alas, as all months go.
It had to come to an end.
As I well know.

August has been a month
Of weird feelings
In preparation for school.
Once again.

August has been a dull month.
With not much to do.
I need that list of school stuff.
To buy a thing or two.

And now I sit, with a week to go.
There remains supplies unbought,
And things undone.
But I'll get em done, don't you worry.

And as I wait, for my time to come,
I wonder what the year holds...
A future girlfriend? A new sport?
Or will it drag on, and end with another summer
Like the one before?

::the summer sun slowly rolls over the hills::