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The Book of Penguin

Book 1: "In the begining"

1.1 In the begining the world was nothing, no man or beast walked the
1.2 Then as a blessing The Great Penguin, Bob, gave God the gift of life
to one day create a world in wich Bob would be held as Lord Supereme
1.3 God then set out on making the world. 1.4 All life became
from the penguin, so God used the only tool abundent enough to create, penguin Dung is the root of all life, everything orginated from Bob's huge
anal retractions.
1.5 Many hours of planning were devoted to the perfect being
and they settled for humans, but not at first, no the world was an icey haven
where penguins flurished in pride. No sin was found in Bob world, everything
was cold with happiness.
1.6 Oceans overflowed with fish, life was
good, and in return, the penguins preformed ritiual orgasims to show respect to BOB.
1.7 Later penguins begot other animals and human is the by-product of the sin. Still Bob loves you, each one of his penguiny people, just lay your hand in mine
and be forgiven for your warm climate.

Ch.2 Denail
2.1 Remember as long as you remain faithfull, Bob remembers your prayers. 2.2 False idles will try to led you away from the shiney smoothness of Bob
life giving breast.
2.3 Love will haunt you on your jounery, but as long as you
keep your head under water and not in the clouds the path to the poles will unfold in you.

2.3 Bob is life, everything else is just an overdose of reality, in the end
we all end up the same, cold.
2.4 The iceburg awaits us all, rather it is
a heavenly burg depends upon the person.
2.5 Denail will haunt many,
because Bob's grace has been tainted with false prophets, such as a certain
fat Chinese Man with four arms that ate himself to Death.
2.6 Other religions
that are tainted with man's greed are as follows: Anything not of Penguin decent.
2.7 The only way into the Penguin heaven is to 'cold-sholder' other
less desirable Gods. The gates of the iceburg are lain with in each of us,
unfortuntly many cannot find the keys to unlock the Penguin from within.

Ch.3:Later That Day
3.1 Days to Bob are like forever to man, time holds no meaning to The Great
3.2 We are all actors in the great play of Bob, I know for Bob lives
through me, I am Bobly.
3.3 Many claim Bobly-hood before the calling
of the tides grabs them and holds them down, so that love can eat away at them.

3.4 Bobs power knows no bounds, it streches the poles and is shited into 3.5 Bob blesses all and destories all. 3.6 The heavy hand
of Bob crushes whales, that prey upon Penguins
3.7 Satan is a big
fat bald man that runs around naked screaming 'cum play with Santa'.


book2The Holy Ones
Ch1. Book of Dave

1.1 There once was a man named Dave, he was the first syko.
This means he had a large attraction to self stimulation. 1.2
Dave is the founder of modern day masterbation, he is held high
in the eyes of Bob, and is cherrished as the great Master bate.
1.3 Dave was sitting alone one snow filled day, when suddenly he found
himself father to a huge erection. 1.4 He studied this, with catlike
noisnesses, and came upon a huge hill in the ways of man. 1.5 Dave was
to ulgy to get a wife, so in short his house had a funny smell, and
yellow stains were abundent. 1.6 Whem ever Dave was alone, strange sounds arose from his house.
Small children saw him through a window, and adopted the habbit until
this was the starting of a beautiful relationship between man and
his inner self. 1.7 Dave went blind an wrote much of this book, don't
ask how, but the ink he used sure is Thick.

The Book Of Steve
2.1 Steve begot Steve. 2.2 Steve begot Steve. 2.3 And again Steve begot
Steve. 2.4 Steve unfortunally was only one person, but the great Bob, told
him many things to help him in his quest. 2.5 Unlike Dave, Steve had
a wife and sixteen children, who's name are lost forever. 2.6 Steve was
just hyper and got off alot. 2.7 Finily Steve begot, Ralph, a man,
but Steve was so horny he would have brought home the duck.

The Book of Slore
3.1 Slore was a hard working women that was 'TOP DOLLAR' in an whore house.
3.2 She hated her jod, but like the pay very much, and it was said, by ,many
That she could suck you liver out of you. 3.3 As she fell deeper into
a heat wave Bob blessed her with his own sperm, she charged of couse, and gave
to the son of Bob. His name was "Cherry Pop"
3.4 He soon became part of the working cat house, and drew as much attention
As his mother did, from the male population. 3.4 Slore loved her son, but knew
that his fate was sealed.(This Comes Later) 3.5 Slore became to old for the
job and in her old days prayed to Bob to lay her one last time. 3.6 Many
nights did she act out her Bob Job as it became known, but she died never
getting Bob's manily man again. 3.7 The word slore know means much as
it did in the time of Slore, use your imagation if you can't guess.
MoRe ImPoRtAnT PeOpLe
Jack The Striper
1.1 There once was a man named Jack. 1.2 Upon a stage, he did act. 1.3 Until
one day his sack did bust. 1.4 Then in Bob he lost his trust. 1.5 Now he sits in
Penguin Hell. 1.6 Where no one can hear his gruesome yells. 1.7 And know Bob
smiles on one ball Jack, he will never take him back.
Jill The Ripper
2.1 Jill the Ripper clipped the stripper. 2.2 Then she ran with ball in hand.
2.3 To place it in a shelf, where it will sit all by its self! 2.4 Know she
sits in Penguin Heaven, held next to Bob becouse she clipped all but Se7en.
2.5 If you cross her she comes at night, to clip your balls out of spite.
2.6 She's the Fairy Ball Mother that kills you luck. 2.7 And if on
this all setting eve you awaken with oneNut a bleed, be happy she left
just one to believe!!!!!
Humpty Dumpty The Transvistite
3.1 Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, and swore to the world that he would FuCk
them all. 3.2 He gave sex and he sold head, but poor, poor Humpty know is,
dead. 3.3 It was sad upon that day when cum turned yellow all his brain.
3.4 This was sad, he was a slut, he gave head and he had nuts¿! 3.5 I guess
he fell off of his wall, when cum stained his brain in all. 3.6 The ground
was hard and mean, but Humpty got what he seen. 3.7 In dreams he saw
Bob say, "Dumpty, why don't you make yourself one big HUmpty!!!

Cherry PoP!
At First
1.1 Cherry PoP was born to Slore, and the great Bob himself
1.2 He live a calm homosexural life that offered little, or no chance to get
laid by one of the opposite sex. 1.3 Sinfull as it was Bob let his only child
suffer through this, becouse he thought that surely his son would be Super Dick
with the ladies one day. 1.4 Cherry PoP was loved by many for catching all
the rats in his town, and running them down his ass, with a glass tube!!!
1.5 The people did not think about how strange this act was but enjoyed
to watch the act when Cherry would perform live sex acts with a wide selction
of objects. 1.6 This made the people happy, and the son of Bob happy also.
1.7 Cherrt Pop was a strange little man with and swollen assHole.
Two Years, Three Days, Six-Teen Minutes, and forty One Seconds Later

2.1 One day a man come into town, riding a sliegh pulled by flying reindeer,
and turned the people against Cherry saying that it was unBobily, to stick
things up your ass. 2.2 Cherry pleded with the towns people, stateing that
he was the son of Bob, and that it was the only way he could get laid.
2.3 The people were cold hearted and refused his plea. 2.4 They proclaimed
a law that stopped anything from going up a man's anal area. 2.5 Cherry
was heart broken, they took his dildo's and broom sticks. Worst of all
he was no longer allowed to play with mice, rats, cats, dogs, or other small
animals. 2.6 He prayed to Bob to help him, but his father already knew what
had to be done. 2.7 Later that night, the towns people cought Cherry,
and being led by Santa sat out to chose a proper exacution.

!The End Of The Cherry!
3.1 The towns people were harsh and wicked in their ways. 3.2 The plan was
to stake him with a spiked pole up his ass, until he got-off, until it
ran him through, his last preformance. 3.3 Cherry Pop died on a stake
so alone, but very turned on. 3.4 Bob let this happen to save face, and
to let the world know that men, from this day on, never have to have
objects proturding their anal facilites. 3.5 From this day on, ass pokeing
, as known in the old days is forbidden in the BooK OF BoB. 3.6 Cherry Pop
was taken into heaven, but gets laid there. 3.7 For his sin his
Bung Hole will remain the size of a fat mans head!

Naoh and the Burning Bush
About Naoh 1.1 Noah was from a little town just off of the side if a mountain, and the
people there lived happy and straight lives. 1.2 One day a a son was born from
two men, and they called him Noah. 1.3 This unhappied the towns people, for
this son of two men was a sin to the nature of things. 1.4 The town people set
out to kill Noah for he was deformed, with the breast of a women, and the
gender of a man! 1.5 His fathers could not let this happen to him, so they
snuck him out of town by tapping him to the under belly of a jack-ass. 1.6 Noah
ended up in the care of a Bobily bunch of people, that just happened to run
a side show in a circus. 1.7 So Noah grew up as the freak that drew attention
for that of a traveling sex side show.
Noah Geos WEST
2.1 As Noah aged so did hie female parts, and he had the stunning bra size DD.
2.2 He was aware of his abnormalness, and decided to leave his home at the circus
to presue his dream of becoming one sex or the other. 2.3 Noah headed west
where a great doctor could be found that was famous for sexural operations.
2.4 He met some freinds along the way and formed a gang that all had such deforms.
2.5 One of them was called ****** and his problem was that of a speical sperm
disorder. 2.6 ****** could move wrong and put sperm all over the ground. 2.7 And together as one Noah and his deformed compains set out to make right
what was done to them wrongly.

Noah Dies Unbobily
3.1 The lands of the west were hard lands of little or no water. 3.2 Anlong
the way Noah lost his new found freind ******, who revealed his name just before
death as Movin Masterbate. 3.3 Sadly Movin Masterbate was losin
more moisture than he could take in and died from a spermy dehidration.
3.4 This upset Noah and he angered with thurnderstorms in his soul, and
stared hatefully toward and said, "Bobdamnit!!!". 3.5 This offended Bob
, lord superman, and Noah was bannished to the westlands alone and unchanged.
3.6 Noah could never die or age but only sit with the memories
of his wrong doing. 3.7 To this day 'Bobdamnit' is stricken from
mouth of all bobily creatures.

Bob's Afterlife

1.1 Bob offers many things to those penguins that live a bobily life. 1.2 perhaps
the most sought after thing is to sit in Bob's shadow of light
, but this has a price. 1.3 You must live a life in Bob, and never stray from
his word, abide by the penguin Bible, and study to learn new ways
to inrich your own Bobilyness. 1.4 Your life should be shadowed in the overall
rightness of Bob. 1.5 Many roads led to many different places, and
getting lost is common but you have to remember. 1.6 'Stop right
where your at, turn around, and go the other way', and this is the road to Bob
1.7 Life is a good thing if Bob is your freind, and this freind makes
life worht dying for.

2.1 Living a Bobily is not the only thing that must be keep. 2.2 Once dead
in Bobs grace, you will be set in a room with many doors, and only one leads
to penguin heaven, the others led to many different levels of HeLl! 2.3 To decide
the right door you must look into your heart and draw out the
penguin inside you. 2.4 Then reach out and touce the door and anyone you touch
leads you to where you seek, or deserve. 2.5 Remember you can
be an idiot and still choose the wrong door, the one marked 'No ExIt' is
merly a trap for retard that are to stupid to reach either place. 2.6 These
people are sent to the Barney show along with a few more to watch reruns, of the
boring show day after day, and year after year. 2.7 If you are Bobily
and not just flat out dumb, you are to enter Penguin Heaven upon death.

Staying In Penguin Heaven:-part#3
3.1 Once you are in penguin hell, there you must stay, but heaven is not
the same. 3.2 You are requirred to maintain your Bobilyness and not stray from
it no matter what. 3.3 Failure to do so mean being cast into the
Idiot room! 3.4 You must live a Bob life after death, except it is simpler
there are less roads to take. 3.5 The land are snowed, and the sun is shining
penguins rein free across the horizons, and feilds of ice are
abundent. 3.6 Penguin Heaven is a beautiful place, in which all life is steaming.
3.7 The worries of life are gone and Bob is everywhere.

The End
The AntiBob
1.1 The end of the world shall come, and all those left will freeze. 1.2 A man
will raise from the blizzards to claim he is Bob, and this will start the end.
1.3 Many will fall before this happens but it must be stated to save the few.
1.4 The AntiBob will be very convincing, and will melt parts of the
snow so that the people may eat. 1.5 He will bring evil to the skys and pollute
the te remaining world, and write and 'x' on all the foreheads of his
followers. 1.6 they are marked as unbobily for the rest of time. 1.7
The AntiBob will rein for about six months, then all the shit will happen.

The 7 Penguins
2.1 About the sixth month the great Bob will send 7 penguins to earth, to deal
with this antibob. 2.2 They will be armed with steel beeks and brass
tipped wings. 2.3 All those in the notBob army will be pecked to death
, and eaten like fish to honor Bob. 2.4 The antibob will flea his troops
to try an excape the penguins, but they prevail. 2.5 They track him
and 2 days later surround him and peck him to death. 2.6 they are left to destory the world.
2.7 The 7 gather together to end it all, and begin the finish march acorss the world.

The Ending
3.1 The 7 destory the world and all that is left is the westlands, which have no
snow. 3.2 Then they meet the last surviving soul on earth...Noah. 3.3 Noah, now almost completle female
, puts up one hell of a fight. 3.4 The 7 are kilt one by one becouse they just don't know what to do.
3.5 Then as the last on falls Naoh combust, and blows the world to hell.
3.6 One of the steel beeks of the penguins periced her boob, leavin nothing left of the world.
3.7 The little left is only enough to house One Boob Noah, forver, and the rest happens after this.

||||||THE END||||||

~L.S.D'algelo Last Updated 11/19/97

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