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These are just a few facts about hanson which I couldn't find a place for

  • Isaac like chunky peanut butter and Tay likes creamy.

  • The Hanson's are all Evangelical Christians and their faith is very important to them.

  • When Hanson was driving away from a concert they noticed a car full of girl next to them, screaming for them, so they rolled down the window of their limo and said in their best english accents "Pardon me, do you have any grey poupon?!?!?! hehehehe

  • Taylor has kept the cast from his arm (when he broke it three years ago) It's in his draw at home and sometimes he takes it out to look at it and compare the the size of his arm.

  • The full names of Ike, Tay and Zac's siblings are:
    Jessica Grace Hanson
    Avery Laurel Hanson
    Joshua Mackenzie Hanson

  • Jamiroquai and Puff Daddy both like Hanson!!! They said so on The year in Rock on MTV!!!

  • Isaac got his first guitar in a pawn shop in Tulsa.

  • Tay carries a dictaphone with him all the time which he sings into when he thinks of a tune.

  • Diana Hanson majored in music at college.

  • Diana and Walker were in a Gospel Group.

  • Zac carries a writing pad around with him where ever he goes and doddles on it when ever he gets the chance!!! (if he weren't a famous musician he'd be a cartoonist)

  • They're all great swimmers and used to win lot's of ribbons and trophies in competitions.

  • Their siblings birthdays are:
    Jessica : 31 May, 1989
    Avery : 22 February, 1991
    Mackenzie : April 18 1994