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The band has had an extremely successful concert season this year.

The Concert Band recieved Good ratings on stage and a Superior Rating in the sightreading room at the LMEA district festival. They also recieved straight Excellent ratings at the Director's Choice Festival in Houston.

The Symphonic Band recieved the Sweepstakes Award (all Superior ratings) at the LMEA district festival, qualifying thejm for State Band Festival. This is the first time in 9 years any band at ZHS has done this! There, they recieved straight Excellent ratings. They also recieved straight Superior ratings at the Director's Choice Festival in Houston.

The Director's Choice Festival in Houston, Texas.

Of course it was hard work, but we had fun, too!

The Symphonic Band at LMEA State festival.


News, Schedule etc. - Page 1
Drum Majors - Page 2
Section Leaders & Honors- Page 3
Seniors - Page 4
Flags - Page 6
Bronco Belles - Page 7
Majorettes - Page 8
Cheerleaders - Page 9
Behind the scenes - Page 10