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Tom and Nina Hardee Dykes

Grandmother and Granddaddy

Tom and Nina Dykes.

This is Grandmother.
She was such a pretty girl.

I have never known of two people who loved their grandchildren and great-grandchildren more than Grandmother and Granddaddy. The picture on the wall behind them is of me at the age of 16. I am Carol Ann, the oldest of their 3 granddaughters. The two little boys in the picture with them are my sons, Jonathan and Jason.

Jonathan was born on Granddaddy's 76th birthday. The occasion of this picture was Jonathan and Granddaddy's last birthday party together. Jonathan was 4 and Granddaddy was 80. Yes, those are dollars "Tombo" is counting out into Jonathan's hand.

Jacque and her family can be found at:

The Shuford Family
Dick and Jacque Dykes Shuford

For anyone who views this page and never saw our gates, this won't mean anything to you... But, for the rest of us... look at this "Dykes"... can't you just imagine what Granddaddy would have done with a computer??? At least I resisted the urge to paint it red... LOL.

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The Proposal Story

The Story of Skip and Hop Scott

The Dykes Family
Alabama to Louisiana

The Hardee Family
Alabama to Louisiana and Texas