The Family History
The Foster Family ...
The Foster family has been in America for several centuries. But before America, the family has some fascinating history in England. The name orginally was Forrester and the ancestor of our family was a man named Baldwin V, Count of Flanders. Baldwin V was married to Princess Adele of France and had several children. One of those children, a daughter named Matilda, became grandmother of all the well-known English kings and queens. Another child became grandfather of the Fosters.
The name changed spelling over the centuries. Forrester changed to Forster and by the time the family was coming to America, the name was Foster.
My speculation is that our line is descended from Armstrong Foster of Accomack County, Virginia. He possibly had a son named William Foster who married Margaret Neale, daughter of John Neale. William and Margaret had a son named John Foster. John Foster married to Elizabeth Shepherd, daughter of William and Mary Shepherd. The wills of William Shepherd and John Foster indicate that this couple had two children: William Sheppard Foster and John Foster. For the family of William Sheppard Foster, click on the link below:
William Sheppard Foster
The following is my descent from William Sheppard Foster, and a link to their pages:
Philemon Foster md. Sarah Hickman
Asa Foster md. Sarah Hyde
John Wesley Foster md. Hannah Levanney Eaves
Anderson Clark Foster md. Lillie Knotts
Jewel Foster md. Bessie Louella Ayres
Deryl Wayne Foster md. Judy Lane Maloch
Troy Wayne Foster md. Patti Jo Hayes
Jeremy De Wayne Foster