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Hardee / Dykes / Laborde / Moore


You have reached the genealogy index belonging to

Carol Ann Dykes Scott (Kucsma).

Over the course of the past two years, I have bookmarked more than 300 web sites that are related to my ancestors. When I started going back through them, I found that many are no longer online. Because we have now lost this valuable information, I have decided, from now on, to simply copy anything I find that is related to our families. This may not be considered internet "fair play" - but it is devastating to lose treasured family history in this manner. I will, of course, give credit for all of the information to the author, as well as a link-back to the original pages.

If you are a member of any of the following
families and, if you are not in touch with a
family member who can provide you with a
complete genealogy, please get in touch with
me. If I don't have what you need, I will
probably know a cousin who does.

The Hardee Family

Alabama to Louisiana and Texas

The Dykes Family

Alabama to Louisiana

Grandmother and Granddaddy:

Thomas Lee Dykes and Nina Estelle Hardee,

to whom all of our genealogical efforts are dedicated.

The Moore and Worley Families

of Morehouse Parish, Louisiana.

The Laborde Family

Most of the French Creole and French-
Canadian families of Avoyelles Parish
are represented here, as well as Rouensa.

For descendants of Rouensa,
please visit the new home of the
Kaskaskia Tribal Descendants
to learn more about our history
and our ancestors.