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Hello Everyone,Just to tell a little about myself. I am a guitar player and songwriter I got started playing music when I was 6 years old. My father (Harley)would get his guitar out and show me some chords and before I new it I was playingsongs.
After a few years and lots of practice I was beginning to be one of the better known guitar players around the area. I was playing 3-4 nights per week and the money was great. But when you hang out in bars all the time there becomes a problem.You like to drink way to much.Now I don't play in the bars anymore but I devote my music to Jesus.

I am a member of the First Christian Church of Wayne City,Illinois. I lead music now on sunday nights and really enjoy it.I have written a lot of songs and everyone thinks I have #1 hits but I am not worried about making money with them it just gives me enjoyment to see the effects my music has on people.

I love to fish but can't never seem to find the time to do it.But sometimes I just make the time.Well I will be adding more to my homepage so please come and visit and sign my guest book.So for now I will see you later. With Love in Jesus.Kenny

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