Welcome to LaKathleen Graphics. There are just a few simple rules that I ask
you to honor in order to use my graphics. I am glad that you stopped by
and I hope you will find something that you like.
Before downloading ANYTHING,
Please read the following
1) All of my graphics are freeware.
2) A link back would be very much appreciated but is not required. That, my friend, is up to you. A matching logo is provided with each set that can be used to link back. You are required, however, to give credit to any artist whose work is used.
3) Graphics are not to be altered in any manner, this includes mixing and matching with other sets, placing on CDs for distribution, using to construct other graphics, etc.
Right click and save to your hard drive
If you are in agreement with my terms, click below to go to the graphics page.
If you choose to use my graphics,
please send
me a link so I can see your hard work and creativity.
©2002 LaKathleen