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Playing With the Angels

Mommy, Daddy, I just wanted to let you know I'm okay,
I know your hearts broke the day I went away,
But I am Home now, safe and free,
I'm playing with the angels and I'm happy,
I'm surrounded by blue skies and wrapped in rainbows,
I have pretty little wings and a halo that glows.

I know you are sad, but it will be all right,
Did you know when you go to bed, I come to kiss you good night?
You may not see me or be able to touch me,
But I am there with you and will always be,
It's okay to cry and it's okay to be sad,
But please remember the love and joy we had.

Mommy and Daddy when that tear slips down your face,
Think of me in this beautiful place,
And know that I did what I came to do,
I touched the hearts of all of you,
But it was time for me to go, surrounded in God's perfect love,
Now I am playing with the Angels above.

Written by: Judi Walker
for Kelly & Michelle
In memory of Baby Kelly
Copyright 2000

Baby Kelly, 3 months before he became an "Angel"

"This is me, in my favorite beanbag chair"

"Getting ready for Santa"
Christmas Eve, 1992

"Me with my big brothers, Tyler & Trace", 1992

"Me and My Daddy"
March, 1992

"This is my Greatgrandma
Her name is Violet Sibley Swain"

"This is my Mommy & little sister, Scarlett"
She was born after I became an angel

This is my big brothers, Trace & Tyler,
with my Grandma Delores & my Grandgrandma Violet, 2001

This is my "resting place."
My spirit is with Jesus, but my earthly body is here,
with my Great Grandpa Johnnie (Johnnie L. Swain)
and my cousin Shelley (Shelley Marie Beasley)
Sibley Cemetary, Walker, Louisiana

My Parents are Survivors, online support group

"Suffer the little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me:
for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Matthew 19 vs.14
Holy Bible, King James Version

"Back to Kelly's Home Page"

"To Kelly's Awards Page"

"To Scarlett's Page"
"Kelly's little sister"

"Mommy's Favorite Websites"


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Your thoughts would be appreciated."

E-Mail Kelly's Parents

Music Selection: "It Matters to Me" by Faith Hill
copyright 2000 Kelly & Michelle Blades
Designed by: Peggy Swain