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Kevin Kearney Chedville

Hi Whoever, If you found my photo, you must have been looking over the MKMcClendon website - and if you were doing that, that must mean you are either a blood relative or just happened here by accident. My name is Kevin Kearney Chedville. Someone named Yvonne has been after me for so long to take some credit for writing this website, so I thought today this might be a good way to do it and at the same time introduce myself to any never before met relative that might be viewing here.

My Grandfather is Mark Kearney McClendon for whom this website is in Memory of, the McClendon Family.

I am from Port Sulphur, Louisiana. I am married to Diane Katherine Bowers, and have one son named Nicholas Mark (named after his Big Paw, Mark Kearney McClendon). Most of my McCLendon relatives live up in the Mountains of North Carolina, and someday we hope to visit there.

I work offshore for a British Petroleum Pipelines on a Platform out in the Gulf of Mexico. My Parents are Everett Louis Chedville and Lavern Ruth McClendon, daughter of Mark Kearney McClendon and Grace McNabb.

I dont know much more to say, but if you have any question or would like to write and say hello, my email address is: or, I would be more than happy to hear from you.

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