Marie Rouensa
Aramepinchone, a Kaskaskia and daughter of Francois-Xavier Rouensa, Chief of the Illiniwek Confederation. She was also known as Marie Rouensa (b.abt.1677 at Kaskaskia & d. 25 jun.1725).
Marie was married to my 8-g-grandfather, Michel Etienne Philippe.
I could think of no more fitting passage in memory of my 8-g-grandmother than Proverbs 31. The links below will lead you to her story. The manner in which she is remembered by the Catholic Church is testament to her example - as a daughter, a wife, a mother, and a servant of God.

Who can find a capable wife?
Her worth is far beyond coral.
Her husband's whole trust is in her, and children are not lacking.
She repays him with good, not evil, all her life long.
She chooses wool and flax and toils at her work.
Like a ship laden with merchandise, she brings home food from far off.
She rises while it is still night and sets meat before her household.
After careful thought she buys a field and plants a vineyard out of her earnings.
She sets about her duties with vigour and braces herself for the work.
She sees that her business goes well, and never puts out her lamp at night.
She holds the distaff in her hand, and her fingers grasp the spindle.
She is open-handed to the wretched and generous to the poor.
She has no fear for her household when it snows, for they are wrapped in two cloaks.
She makes her own coverings, and clothing of fine linen and purple.
Her husband is well known in the city gate when he takes his seat with the elders of the land.
She weaves linen and sells it, and supplies merchants with their sashes.
She is clothed in dignity and power and can afford to laugh at tomorrow.
When she opens her mouth, it is to speak wisely, and loyalty is the theme of her teaching.
She keeps her eye on the doings of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her sons with one accord call her happy; her husband too, and he sings her praises:
'Many a woman shows how capable she is, but you excel them all.'
Charm is a delusion and beauty fleeting; it is the God-fearing woman who is honoured.
Extol her for the fruit of all her toil, and let her labours bring her honour in the city gate.

Read the history of Central Illinois and the Illiniwek Confederation
Illinois History. Loads of interesting Kaskaskia, Rouensa, and Marie links. Plan to spend some time here.
(an excerpt from From Quebec to New Orleans by J. H. Schlarman)
THE OHIO VALLEY-GREAT LAKES ETHNOHISTORY ARCHIVES: THE MIAMI COLLECTION. From the Glen A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology. Macarty to Vaudreuil (March 18, 1752). Get a little better understanding of Rouensa here.

Read about the life of Marie Rouensa
Exploration and Early Settlement. Quite a story here.
Central Illinois History. The story of Marie Rouensa is the story of early Central Illinois. Details of her burial here.
One of Cathy's pages. Every link here is just wonderful. Read about Marie's Estate and about her descendants from her marriage to Michel Philippe.
Who was Marie Rouensa? From the Illinois State Museum. Hit the Back button at the bottom of the page and follow the numbered pages through a very good Lesson Plan that details the life and death of Marie Rouensa for children.

A Leader Among Women
Agenda for 1999 Seminar at Duke University. "BREAKING BOUNDARIES!" The 11th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women Program Schedule Rethinking Native American Women and Missions: Marie Rouensa and the Jesuits
Agenda for 1999 Seminar at Duke University. "BREAKING BOUNDARIES!" The 11th Berkshire Conference on the History of Women Program Schedule Rethinking Native American Women and Missions: Marie Rouensa and the Jesuits
M. Apr. 3: Colonization: Missions
Read: From Course Pack: Kidwell, "Indian Women as Cultural Mediators;" Ekberg, "Marie Rouensa;" and White, excerpt from The Middle Ground. See discussion questions for Marie Rouensa. Ohio State University History 594: Native American History Syllabus

Odds and Ends
Nipundican ("Where you learn."). Nipundican creates educational programs for all ages… including on site programs, publications, and educational items. Check out the links. Pretty cool…
Oct. 20, 1727 Joseph SERNIN (L?), native of Montreal to Josepohine Marie PHILIPPE, dau. of Michel and Marie ROUENSA. Three bans.
just a query.

Links to Other Descendants of Marie Rouensa
Cathy Lemoine
Michelle Landry Adams
Don LaBorde