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Stephanie Page2

Stephanie Guzzardo

5-11-68 ~ 11-19-95

Stephanie loved Tigger

Tigger is described as being:
very bouncy, active, and fun-loving or
bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy, fun, fun, fun, fun, fun

Funny how much Steph & Tig have in common.
Stephanie could be described in much the same way.

While Stephanie was here on this earth
she touched many many lives. She had a
winning personality and a heart of gold.
Wherever she went, she left her mark. She
was affectionate, loving, caring, and had
a wonderful sense of humor. The many lives
that she touched will always have a special
place for her in their hearts.

Whenever I want you, all I have to do is dream.

We are having problems with our guestbook. We are
unable to view any "private" messages so we ask that
you please do not use that option. Thank You.

It would mean so much if you would
take a moment to sign Stephanie's
guestbook so that we will know you were here.

Stephanie's Parent's Email

Music Selection: "All I have to Do is Dream"