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Don Juan Karnage - the story

Don Juan Karnage... it all started with me, watching TaleSpin, with the air-pirates, and the pirate Don Karnage. I thought he was great, and came up with my own Don Karnage, a pirate, brother to Don Karnage on tv. Daddy Bright Bouquet became Don Karnage. Also Sportstime changed name to Beton, and Hopscotch became Maddog. In the beginning, he arrived to my ponyland, called Juvela. First he met Lady Hula Hula - the Tropical Pony, and the history of his life took the beginning. He once saved Lady Hula Hula from dead, under a naval-battle when he was a pirate on the sea. Later he fell in love... with the beautiful Starlight. Now they´re married, and have a daugther, Angel Donna Moonlight Karnage (Stargaze).

Don Juan is the Pirate´s King, he got that title while he was on the sea. The costume he wear on the picture I made, is his pirate-costume, with the crown, as he is a king. And the sword.

This is a picture of Starlight:

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