Shane "NOYD" Hebert
Dec. 3, 1977~Oct. 27, 1997

Shane is loved and missed by
his parents, Mike and Judi, father Dennie Hebert
wife Tabitha, sisters Jennie, Laurie & Christy,
daughters Krista and Kristen, Grandmother Pet Carpenter, Grandparents Irene
& David Hebert and many other family members and many friends.

He left an impact on all of our lives

Shane was born on Dec. 3, 1977, he was my first child. He taught me so much about life, even though I was the parent and he was the child. The greatest lesson Shane taught me was how to love completely and unconditionally. All through his life, he continued to teach me. And through his death, he is still my teacher. Now he is teaching me that I can live with a broken heart, to pick up the pieces and go on, and to do things that I never thought I could.

Shane was a wonderful son, brother, grandson, father, husband and friend. He was taken from us much too soon by a senseless act of violence.

Shane was friendly and outgoing, had a great sense of humor and a beautiful smile. He had a lot of friends and was always willing to help anyone in need. The nickname "NOYD" was given to Shane by his friends when he worked at Domino's Pizza. The name stuck with him, we had it put on his headstone. Many people described him as just a "good ol' boy." He enjoyed playing baseball, he started playing T-ball at age 5. He liked to ride around in his truck (one of his loves) and hang out with friends. He loved to hunt and fish. He was going to school to be a machinist.

As parents, Mike and I were very proud of Shane, we had a good relationship. He was a good boy, not perfect but he never gave us a lot of trouble. We had our ups and downs like all families do, but he knew we loved him and we knew he loved us. He always felt free to come and talk to us about anything, he knew we would be there for him.

Shane became a father at a young age with the birth of his twin daughters, Krista and Kristen. He was a wonderful father in the short time they had together. They were the light of his life and they adored their Daddy. The twins were only six months old when Shane was taken from them, but they love and talk about their Angel Daddy all the time. Shane lives on in these two beautiful little girls. Watching them grow up without their Daddy here is hard and so sad. He had so many plans, hopes and dreams for his daughters, we along with their mom Tabitha plan to make sure they come true and to make sure they always know what a wonderful father they have and how much he loved his little Football and Sixpack.

Shane's sisters Jennie and Laurie adored him too. He talked to them, listened to them, took time with them and did things with them. He was the kind of big brother, every one needs, especially to teach you things, like worms grow under your finger nails, spaghetti noodles are really the strings that hold cows eyeballs in their heads, you know the important stuff your parents don't tell you. He was looking forward to the day they started dating, so he could give their boyfriends a hard time. (His friends said they will handle this for him now.)

Shane's death has left a big void in our lives. He has left a hole that no one will ever be able to fill. He gave us almost 20 years of love and laughter and a life time of memories.

There was no justice for Shane's murder, the justice system failed not only Shane, but all those who knew and loved him.

* *

You can use the dropdown menu below to visit Shane's pages. There are also pages on it that aren't listed above

Tributes to Shane's Grandparents
{ Glynn Carpenter Sr. } Together Forever }

A tribute to homicide victims
Our Tears

Your Candle Burns Brightly

Unsolved Homicides

Shane's Awards
Apply for Shane's Awards
Gifts From Friends

Please vote for Shane's site by
clicking on the picture below.

The Mention of His Name

"The mention of my child's name
May bring tears to my eyes,
But it never fails to bring
Music to my ears.
If you are really my friend,
Let me hear the beautiful music of his name.
It soothes my broken heart
And sings to my soul."

Author Unknown

This Angel Bear was created especially for Shane.
Please do not remove!
Adopted 4/9/98

He is Just Away

He’s not really
lost to you for
he’s only gone
He will be there
at the dawning
of a brighter,
future day.
He is just away
but he will always
be a part,
Of all the wonderful
memories that will
live forever in
your heart.

Thank you Shane for your love, support and guidence on this page. (Yes son, I knew you were there) I couldn't have done it without you.
And to all my family and friends (on the internet and here with me) thank you for your encouragement, your words of praise, your advice and your patience while I did this page. Thank you for not letting me give up. I couldn't have done it without all of you either. I love you all.

And most of all thank you Mike for putting up with me as I struggled to learn to do this and for putting up with all the take out dinners and for your love and encouragement. I love you.

Alternate Guestbook
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Shane's Old Guestbook #1
Shane's Old Guestbook #2
Shane's Old Guestbook #3

~Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal~

Midi Selection: I Hope You Dance

Wondering why these two anchors are here?
Well they kept showing up on my page in place of other graphics. So I thought if I gave them their own spot, they would leave the rest of my page alone! And they have!

All articles written by me are copyrighted.