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In Loving Memory of Our Baby
Became an Angel
April 16, 2001

Precious Baby

You were gone before we got to know you
You were only here but a moment
But you have touched us as special little angels do
You're a special gift that was Heaven sent

You weren't meant to stay
Just a gentle touch and then you were gone
Quietly you came and quietly you slipped away
Precious baby for you we long

We never heard you laugh or saw your face
We never held you in our arms or heard you cry
We know you're in a special place
But we are still left asking why

We never got to know you
Would you have looked like Daddy
Would you have laughed like your sisters do
Would you have blue eyes like Mommy

We'll hold you close in our hearts
You will never be forgotten precious little one
We loved you from the start
Our precious baby gone before you had really begun.

Written for Tabitha and Tony
In Memory of Baby Barton
By: Judi Walker
April 17, 2001

Loved and missed by Mommy and Daddy
and big sisters, Krista, Kristen and Kristina