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Seven Years

It has been seven years
since the Lord called you home,
You left this earth,
but in our hearts you live on,

We remember your laughter,
we remember your smile,
It's still so clear
even though it's been a while,

We still laugh and talk
about the tricks you'd play,
The jokes and pranks
that came our way,

We never know what to
expect from you,
We also remember your
serious side too,

How you would reach out
and help anyone in need,
In those who were down
you'd plant hope's seed,

With you, we never knew
what to expect,
Knowing you were gone
was so hard for us to accept,

We struggled to go
on without you,
Because we know it's
what you'd want us to do,

Now here it is,
it's been seven years,
We still miss you, we still hurt,
we still shed tears,

And we carry a part of you with us
evey where we go,
You touched more hearts
than you will ever know,

You and your memory
live on in us all,
We know someday too we
will get the Lord's call,

And then we will all
be together again,
We will hold you in our hearts
until then.

Judi Walker
In Memory of My Dad
Glynn E. Carpenter Sr.
Sept. 2002

These last seven years without you have been such a struggle. It is hard going on without you. So many times I find myself saying "if only Glynn were here." You always seemed to know just what to do or say to solve any problem that came up.

I don't have a gift for words to tell you what's in my heart, but then, you always knew.

I do cherish all of my memories of you and our life together, and it is those that I turn to when life is darkest. You will always be my one true love and will live on in my heart forever.

Really Pet

Daddy, seven years have passed since you left us, sometimes is seems like yesterday and other times it seems like forever since I have seen you or talked to you. Time has not dimmed your memory, and it never will.

So many things have changed since you left us, you now have five great-grandchildren, Shane's twins Krista and Kristen, Susan's boys Trent and Jonathan and Glynnis' little girl Nicole. You be so proud of them and to see your grandchildren as parents. Jennie and Laurie are growing up too and they sure miss you, they talk about you all the time and the wonderful memories they have of you.

I love and miss you Daddy



It's hard to admit that you are gone
Sometimes I wait for you to come home
I wish you were here, I miss you so much
Your heartwarming laugh, your gentle touch
But what keeps me together
Is knowing that you'll live in my heart forever
And I know I will see you again someday
When I come upstairs to stay

I can't tell you how much I miss you, there aren't enough words or paper. There's always gong to be this place in my heart that no one can even come close to filling. I remember story time when I was little, we would climb up in the chair and you would tell me a story. Even though I had heard "The Three Little Pigs" a million times, I always got excited. I will always remember the Watermelon Rabbit, every time I eat a watermelon, I think of you. Well, I'm guess I'm through, so I'll let you go. I just want you to know I love you.

Missin' ya much

Dear Paw,
I miss you so much. It doesn't seem like 7 years, it seems like 20. I miss everything about you. I miss all the fun things we used to do, going for walks, finding rocks, playing cars, giving each other the eyeball and all the other things we used to do together. I miss all of it and I miss you!

Love always,

It's really hard to think 7 years have passed since you left us. I miss you so much. I only wish your great-grandchildren had the wonderful opportunity to meet you. They all have characteristics that remind me of you.

There have been many times in which I could have just sat and talked to you. You always had a way to make me laugh. I'm not the best with words, but this is truly from my heart.

Deep inside me soul, I feel a comfort no one else knows.
A guiding hand, a hopeful voice, you were always there no matter what.
You helped those in need, and brought up those who where down.
We depended on you for more than you will ever know.
I feel you in my presence. I see you in my children's smile.
It's sometimes hard to accept reality that you are really gone.
We sit and laugh about all the good times,
and recount the bad ones too.
The memories we have, they will always live true.

Paw, I miss you and love you very much. You will always hold a place in my heart that no one else can hold. I have the honor of having you two great-grandsons. I am very pleased to say so.

Trent has never heard of the watermelon rabbit, but he eats them up as fast as he can. He says the little man tells him too!! I often ask him if you are the little man and he just grins. Jonathan is always picking and playing with someone like you did. They both remind me of things you said or did.

I love you very much. Susan Threeton