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The Watermelon Rabbit

~A special memory about our Paw-Paw~

One day, we went out in our yard and by a tree, we saw a watermelon. We were so exicited because we love watermelons! My Mom cut it for us and we ate it, it was so good!

We told everybody we knew about the watermelon. And asked them if they knew how it got there. Everybody just said no, except our Paw-Paw. He said he had been working on his house and he saw a BIG rabbit in our yard and he had something, it must have been the watermelon.

Well, every summer for years the Watermelon Rabbit came every week and left a watermelon in our yard. No one ever saw him except Paw-Paw that one time.

In the fall, he would come right before Halloween and leave us a pumpkin.

The Watermelon Rabbit doesn't come anymore. The last time he came was in the summer of 1995. That is also the year something very sad happened in our lives. On September 7, 1995, our Paw-Paw was killed in a car accident.

We knew the Watermelon Rabbit wouldn't be bringing us anymore watermelons in the summer or pumpkins in the fall.

Good-bye Watermelon Rabbit!
We love you and we'll never forget you!

This page was created in memory of
Glynn E. Carpenter Sr.
for Jennie and Laurie.
They memory of the Watermelon Rabbit will never be forgotten.

This is a picture of the Watermelon Rabbit (our Paw~Paw.)

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The wonderful watermelon graphis on this page were provided by
Original graphics by Sheryl
Watermelon background by
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