
Your local health department often operates fee clinics and screening centers for non-emergency health problems.

Dept. of Public Health
150 Tremont St.
Boston MA 02111

The federal government provides block grants to each state to provide maternal and child health care services. The states are required to state setting up 800 numbers to provide info. regarding available services.

Bureau of Family and Community Health
150 Tremont St.
Boston MA 02111

The following #’s can refer you to local resources.
Boston Region 1-800-531-2229
Central Region 1-800-227-7748
Noth East Region 1-800-992-1895
South East Region 1-800-642-4250
West Region1-800-992-6111

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
Fort Point Place
27-43 Wormwood St.
Boston, MA 02210

Commission for the Blind
88 Kingston St.
Boston, MA 02211
(617)727-5550 ext. 4503

Child Support Enforcement Division
141 Portland St.
Cambridge, MA 02124
This office can help with a parent who owes unpaid child support, even if in another state.

Department of Transitional Assistance
This page lists some available services and toll free numbers.
Career Centers
Child Care
Child Support
Domestic Violence
Emergency Assistance
Food Banks
Food Stamp Benefits
Job Search Program - Work Support Programs
MassHealth and Children's Medical Security Plan
School Breakfast and School Lunch Program
Taxes - Earned Income Credit (EIC)
Transportation - Access to Jobs
Unemployment Benefits
Utilities and Utility Discounts - Energy Assistance - Community Action Program (CAP) Offices
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Government Assistance
Applying for Welfare Benefits
Aid to Families with
Dependent Children (AFDC)
Emergency Assistance for the Elderly, Disabled, and Children (EAEDC)

The MetroWest Center for Independent Living, Inc
is a community-based, consumer-controlled, cross disability center for independent living, serving the MetroWest area of Massachusetts. MWCIL is dedicated to working on behalf of the objectives of the disability rights and independent living movements, through the provision of comprehensive services to enhance the range of options available to, and improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities.

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