
Energy Assistance Programs

People Working Cooperatively
A nonprofit agency that assists very low-income elderly, disabled and other at risk homeowners of Southwestern Ohio and Northern Kentucky with necessary home repairs.

Your local health department often operates fee clinics and screening centers for non-emergency health problems.

Dept. of Health
246 N. High St.
P.O. Box 118
Columus, OH 43266

The federal government provides block grants to each state to provide maternal and child health care services. The states are required to state setting up 800 numbers to provide info. regarding available services.

Healthy Babies Health Line
Bureau of Maternal and Child Health
P.O. Box 118
Columus, OH 43266

This hotline can refer you to prenatal, postnatal and well baby clinics also to your local WIC, Medicaid and other human service offices.

Columbus, Ohio- Central Ohio has a program called First Link that has a huge directory of all the agencies serving the area- they have a central phone bank system that a person in need can call 24 hours a day 7 days a week- the first link phone number is 614-221-2255 TTY access is 7 am to 11 pm mon thru sun- # 614-341-2272

Child Support Enforcement Division
State Office Tower
27th Floor
30 East Broad St.
Columus, OH 43266
This office can help with a parent who owes unpaid child support, even if in another state.

Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)
400 E. Campas View Blvd.
Columus, OH 43235

Career Gear
This is a nonprofit organization that fills the gap between job-training programs and employment by providing men with interview clothing, motivation and follow-up support that helps them get and keep jobs.

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