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º¤º Åya's §ilent Hill Pagê º¤º

~v~ ::coughs:: hiya!! i'm Erin a.k.a Aya hehe and this is my Silent Hill page. For those of you who are kinda ''slow'', Silent Hill is a game for PSX..a great game at that. :)It's rated M17 for gore and graphic violence,(mmm..gore..hehe >=) ) so no lil kiddies play this game damnit! lol j/k This has to be one of the best games ever my opinion anyway.It's paved the way for many other PSX games to come back..such as RESIDENT EVIL and CLOCK TOWER. :)Anyway have fun with the game,and give me feedback on my site!

Here's some of the enemies you encounter in the game:

  • 1- Baby Zombie HP: 4 to 5 bullets (+ kick)
  • 2- Demon Monkey HP: 4 to 6 bullets (+ kick sometime)
  • 3- Winged Demon HP: 3 to 4 bullets (+ kick sometime)
  • 4- Zombie Nurse HP: 1 Shotgun Shell (+ kick) or 7 bullets (+ kick)
  • My Fav Weapons to use in the game are:

  • 1-- Axe Location: Antique Shop - Near Altar
  • 2--- Handgun Cyill gives this to you in the Cafe.
  • 3--Steel Pipe Location: Passageway - Near Cheryl's letter "To School",,great for smackin some sense into the zombie babies!
  • .....


    ~v~ Ask doctor to let me quit being in charge of that patient. It's too weird. Still alive, but with wounds that won't heal. Told the doctor I quit. Won't work at the hospital anymore. The room filled with insects. Even with doors and windows shut they get to spite me. To the hospital... Feeling bad. Need to throw up. But nothing comes out. Vomiting only bile. Blood and pus flow from the bathroom faucet. I try to stop it, but it won't turn off. Need drug. Help me...~v~

    Click here for the complete Walkthrough :)

    My other site :)

    The Silent Hill Soundtrack and Review(i suggest you order a copy now!)

    Harry Mason..the protagonist.

    ~v~ Harry is searching for his daughter, Cheryl ,who has disappeared into the mists of Silent Hill. His jeep crashed and he awoke to an empty street. Losing his wife to disease has left a shadow over his soul. His daughter is the only bright spot left in his life. He goes to Silent Hill to go on vacation with his daughter, to be mired in bizarre events. That was the beginning of this tale, or was it predetermined somehow? That's the truth that Harry has yet to discover. He is the protagonist of the game and the character you control. He is just your average guy, a thirty-two year old writer. His wife died due to illness and her death continues to plague him. But their daughter brings him an enourmous amount of comfort. It's the search for quality time with his daughter which brings him to Silent Hill. ~v~

    Cybill Bennet, friend or foe?

    ~v~ A police officer from Brahms, the next town over, she has been investigating the mystery of Silent Hill for a while.She is faithful to her duties and investigates Silent Hill on her own. Cybil is a 28-year old police officer from a neighboring community who has come to Silent Hill to investigate the lack of any communication in the area. Once she arrives, her instincts take over and she decides to do some investigating on her own. ~v~

    Alessa Gillespie..mystery woman

    ~v~ The daughter of Dahlia, who is involved in what is happening in Silent Hill.She has a ghostly appearance to herself. She remains a mystery like her mother. ~v~ MAIL ME AT: Click Here for my Other SH page with more links to other great sites ;)

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