I Want It That Way === Chapter 6

Conversation of Brian and Jan:

Brian: Jan, are you fine?
Jan: Why do you care?
B: Well I feel that I want to care.
J: What you want to know?
B: I think I've known enough about you from Jo.
J: You must think that I'm hopeless then.
B: Actually I am not and I wish to help you. Somehow I feel close to you and treat you like a friend.
J: I don't need anymore friends, Jo is enough for me.
B: I just to be your friend. I really care.
J: Don't said this kind of thing! I hate it! No one care for me except Jo. (Jan start to cry.)
While she was crying, Brian hug her and she feel so good and safe in his arm.

Meanwhile Nick was happy chatting With Jo.

Conversation of Nick and Jo:

Jo: Why are you so shy? Are you afraid of girls?
Nick: No. I am not. I am just shy that's all.
J: Then why are you shy?
N: All right I am shy in front of beautiful girl.
J: Thank you for saying me beautiful.
N: Well you are!
Jo stare at nick and his face turns red.
J: You are the cutest guy I've ever met.
N: (smile) I don't think of me being cute.

Jo then ticker Nick and they feel good with each other by their side. Nick start to think that whether she is the girl he wants and Jo thinks that she wants him.

Jan had stop crying and walked in with Brian as they meet Nick and Jo. Brian said that since it is so late he will let the girls to sleep in his room and he will sleep with nick.
At Brian's room, Jo told Jan that she thinks that she has fall in love with Nick, she love to make him smile. Jan also told her that she do have some feeling toward Brian.

In Nick's room, they talk about almost the same thing. Nick love it when Jo make him laugh, he just feel good to be with her. It is so normal.
Brian also love the feeling of hugging Jan. It have been a long time since he hug a girl that he like. "Maybe she really treat me as Nick Carter and not Nick BSB" Nick said. "Yeah, they are two great girl. I know that they will be good girlfriends but Jan is too rebel. Jo is better," Brian said.

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