The guys went to leave our house, since the tornado had passed, and they wanted to check and see if there was any damamge at their places. They went to the front door, only to find that the front porch had caved in and blocked the exit. They went to the back door to find that a tree ws blocking it."Looks like we're stuck here for awhile,"AJ said with a mischievous look in his eyes. We were all very tired, so we decided to go to bed. Christina, Joy and Melissa shared Christina's room and Joy and Melissa slept on the floor. Faith slept in a sleeping bag on the floor in my room, and I slept in my bed. Brian and Nick shared Faith's room, Nick in the bed and Brian on the floor. Kevin took the couch downstairs, AJ took the loveseat, and Howie slept on the living room floor.
In the morning, we found out the power was still out, but the water was on, so we sat down to breakfast of Pop-tarts. We took turns taking showers, and spent the rest of the day playing cards, board games, and Nick's Game Boy, (Until the batteries ran out). That night we each had a candlelight dinner that had to be cooked over the fir in Christina's fireplace. Brian and I ate together, we had macaroni and cheese.
Nick and Faith ate together in another room, they had chili. AJ and Joy ate in another room, and had spaghetti. Howie and Melissa ate in a different room, they ate tacos. And since Kevin and Christina were the only people left, they had a candlelight dinner together, and Kevin asked Chrisina out. Christina happily accepted.