Chapter 29


Nick and Faith bought the house next to Aj and Joy, and Brian and I bought the one next to it, so the 5 backstreet boys houses were all in a row. 6 months into our marriage.... August 14, 2000.... "Honey, I don't feel good. I think I got that virus that's going around. I'm going to the doctor today," I told Brian. "Ok, me and the guys are all going to Kevin's because we want to see the soccer game," Brian said nonchalantly. "ok, I am leaving right now. Joy is driving me, I'll be home eventually." I got in the car with Joy. "I hope you don't have the stomach flu," Joy said. "Me too." 2 hours later... Joy and I pulled into Kevin's driveway. We walked into the living room where the boys were sitting watching the last quarter of the world cup. Brian stood up and kissed me. "How'd it go? Do you have stomach flu?" he asked. "No" "well, then, what's wrong?" "I...I'm pregnant" Kevin spit out everything in his mouth, which happened to be pepsi. AJ started doing loud catcalls at Brian. Howie looked dazed. Nick just said, "You go Brian!" And Brian, well, he jumped up, hugged me, and said, "Everybody, I'm going to be a daddy!" I hugged him somemore, and, the soccer game forgotten, we went back to our house to talk. "I can't believe it...I'm going to be a father!" Brian said over and Over. "I'm going to be a mommy!" I said. "You are happy, right? I mean, this isn't a problem?" "No way! All my life I've wanted to be a dad!"