"So you gonna tell em?" Sara said nudging her sister. "Not yet" Maria said smiling. "Why whats wrong? Have you not told Brian yet?" "No, I told him when you were with Nick the other night, when I went to Brian's place" The two sat there for about a minute. "Hey Sara what time is it?" Maria asked. Sara looked at her watch, "10:00 why?" "Oh crap! do u have a quarter I gotta call Brian!" "No you can call collect I'm sure he'll accept your call" Sara said letting out a slight laugh. "Why do you have to call him?" "Well ever since I told him I was pregnant he wants me to call him to make sure I'm ok" "Aww what a sweetie, well you better go call before he gets all freaked out" "OK Be right back."
Maria ran to the pay phone and dialed the
number "Say your name at the tone to see if
the person will accept your call" "Guess" she
said into the reciever. "yea" he heard him
say. "Hey baby how are you?" he asked. "I'm
just fine, I just didn't want you to get
worried thats why I called" "Thats my girl"
he said laughing, Maria laughed too. "Well I
know you ok now so I'l let you go have your
fun ok?" "Ok luv ya buh-bye sweetie" "Bye
baby" Maria hung up the phone and walked back
to the table where her sister and friends
were sitting. They stayed out till like 12:00
that night.