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Transcripst from Personal Frames in Webmaze

(15:01:50) Jake says to Midnight Cowgirl: BRB

(15:01:53) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to ViceCop: hey bud, put lil' flowr' on there wool n' paste some playboy cut outs on 'em....unda' dim moonlite, ummmUM, just lets 'magination runa' WILD! hehe

(15:01:59) Superfly : enters Personal Frames...

(15:02:07) North(m) says to Fraggel: I just got lost on the trip ? ...ya .. was a straight through business trip ... 66 hours non stop

(15:02:37) Midnight Cowgirl says to Jake: dom't leave me alone now the cops are after you *sob*

(15:02:48) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to ViceCop: den afta', lite up couple smokes, n' part, dey dont' ova' stay welcome like pay gals does

(15:02:57) Richard says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: what ever you said...i don't think you & me are together on anything,

(15:03:00) Fraggel says to VitaMan: Hang 10 dude... Where was that taken?

(15:03:21) Fraggel says to North(m): Then that wasn't really a vacation. LOL

(15:03:29) VitaMan says to Fraggel: A secret break in California. *S*

(15:03:35) Richard : Welcome new arrivals

(15:03:35) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to Richard: just wait*bats bushy swampa' eyelashes at ya'*

(15:03:42) liqrlocker says to North(m): What were you doing? pushing it? i used to workl for a trucking company and the teams used to LA to NY in 62 hrs

(15:03:48) ViceCop says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: you are no more innocent than the pope is athiest(15:03:49) Fraggel says to VitaMan: Oh come on you can tell me.

(15:03:59) Superfly says to Richard: thanks Chief....*S*

(15:04:22) Manny : enters Personal Frames...

(15:04:25) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to liqrlocker: Richard da' Bufn' Heart'd comein's 'rounds*w*, UH OH, coppa' fella' gots dat jealous looky wooky n' his fixins' do some booky n's n' his eye 'gain lol

(15:04:51) Richard says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: can have fun in here...harrassing guests is againt the rules....i, for one...don't like the crap you are trying to say...that's number one....don't push it with me

(15:05:06) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to ViceCop: well TWAS! till dat backseat a cruisa' 'terogations'*w* done on ole Buf spell back

(15:05:16) Fraggel says to VitaMan:

(15:05:42) ViceCop says to Richard: you seem to be the only one with his panties in a not over it....... so get a life

(15:05:50) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to Richard: push u, looky here u tite ass boar, dont' care WHAT u does Buf! dont' up n' co 'guzzn's ole Buf harrassn's folks on'counts u boar 'em death!

(15:05:56) North(m) says to Fraggel: pretty pics S**

(15:06:04) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to liqrlocker: HUH! who boarn's fella' thanks talkns' to here!

(15:06:06) liqrlocker says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: are in trouble now!!! LOL

(15:06:10) §exyMale46 says to ViceCop: I find it irratating also!!!!!!!!

(15:06:12) Richard says to ViceCop: Please mind your own business...i'm not in the mood

(15:06:29) §exyMale46 says to ViceCop: can't understand any of it!

(15:06:31) Fraggel says to North(m): Thank you. I really don't like my hair in the photo.

(15:06:32) Greg says to ViceCop: me too

(15:06:35) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to liqrlocker: screw him, ole Buf go ANY chat house, fill up fast like!*w*,

(15:06:55) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to §exyMale46: oh,c ant' unda stand means harrassn's huh

(15:06:56) anonymous69 : enters Personal Frames...

(15:07:13) Fraggel says to North(m): Lets go for a road trip. LOL

(15:07:15) liqrlocker says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: PMS is a terrible thing...especially in a male...LOL

(15:07:36) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to liqrlocker: betcha' budda' fella' knows Bfu good fer chats*w*

(15:07:45) Richard says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: That's two...

(15:07:46) VitaMan says to Fraggel: OMG, it's Thelma and Louise.

(15:07:47) §exyMale46 says to Richard: The boottttttttt!!!!!!

(15:07:54) ViceCop says to Midnight Cowgirl: you from tx?

(15:08:16) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to Richard: two, hey, dat rhymes wit screw U!

(15:08:18) Jake says to Midnight Cowgirl: Okay I'm back...*G*...and dodged the pigs....

(15:08:21) Fraggel says to VitaMan: LOL I can only reach one peddle at a time. LOL

(15:08:24) Midnight Cowgirl says to ViceCop: nope - from u.k.

(15:08:32) BufN'ocent,twasPersonallyFramd'! says to liqrlocker: see ya' bub lmao

(15:08:33) §exyMale46 says to Richard: the wind up!!!!!

(15:08:38) ViceCop says to Richard: was es los bis du und herr buf

(15:08:40) Richard says to BufN'ocent,twasPersonall: Bye BufN'ocent,twasPersonall has been framed, crated and shipped to faraway lands

(15:09:17) Midnight Cowgirl gives Jake a big hug: it was so lonely without you *S*

(15:09:19) §exyMale46 says to Richard: he scoressssssss!!!

(15:09:22) Wandering Voyeur : enters Personal Frames...

(15:09:37) §exyMale46 says to Richard: *L* thank you!

(15:09:42) Fraggel :

(15:09:42) Richard says to ViceCop: excuse me ?

(15:09:46) Jake warmly embraces Midnight Cowgirl: I'm sure it was...*rollin' my eyes*....*G*

(15:09:51) shakespear's ghost : enters Personal Frames...

(15:09:57) Midnight Cowgirl inquires innocently of Jake: do we have to go on the run now *L*

(15:10:16) North(m) says to Fraggel: woo hoo ...lets go

(15:10:26) coolinit(f) : enters wearing her cute little elf outfit...Merry Christmas Everyone!!

(15:10:45) coolinit(f) blows a kiss to Richard: hello handsome *s*

(15:10:50) ViceCop says to Richard: well i asked in german, mind you what the fuck was up with you and buf? does he scare you or what?

(15:10:53) Richard : Welcome

(15:10:59) Midnight Cowgirl inquires innocently of Jake: rolling eyes *L*

(15:11:36) Jake says to Midnight Cowgirl: LOL..naw...I've got imunity....

(15:11:38) VitaMan says to Fraggel: Bye, nice visiting with you.

(15:11:44) Richard says to ViceCop: Harrassing the other peoplein the against the rules, that..i don't care for

(15:12:19) VitaMan : Happy Christmas and Merry New Year everyone!

(15:12:27) Richard says to coolinit(f): Hi sweet thang *S

(15:12:31) coolinit(f) says to Richard: *rubbing tummy* I'm breakfast left me a while ago *sigh*

(15:12:50) VitaMan : leaves the room...

(15:12:55) Midnight Cowgirl winks suggestively at Jake: soooooooooooo we can just get under that blanket then *S*

(15:12:57) Wandering Voyeur : good afternoon All...Merry Christmas

(15:13:19) Jake says to Midnight Cowgirl: LOL...plenty of them here...*W*

(15:13:20) Layla : leaves the room...

(15:13:22) coolinit(f) says to Wandering Voyeur: Merry Christmas to you too...*s*

(15:13:34) Richard : Welcome new arrivals

(15:14:05) §exyMale46 : Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!! Have to go to work now!

(15:14:20) ViceCop says to Richard: were any of those people who jumped for joy when ya booted him spoken to by him..... I didnt see that.... *smaks head* you must be a lawyer.. because its assholes who mistake someone having fun with harrasing people, what about using the ignore button????????

(15:14:33) Midnight Cowgirl says to §exyMale46: have a good one *S*

(15:14:39) SxySr(m) : afternoon

(15:14:50) §exyMale46 says to ViceCop: Yep!!! I'm one!!

(15:15:02) North(m) :

(15:15:08) coolinit(f) blows a kiss to §exyMale46: afternoon to you too

(15:15:24) North(m) :

(15:15:53) Richard says to ViceCop: When i have complaints from tohers in the room...i act...when someone harasses me..i act...sorry...just the way i run the room

(15:15:55) Superfly : leaves the room...

(15:16:03) SxySr(m) says to Richard: hey buddy, haws it going?

(15:16:48) Richard says to SxySr(m): not bad...just a difference of opinion

(15:17:22) biker says to Richard: and you shouldn't have to use the ignore button

(15:17:56) SxySr(m) says to Richard: Understand thoes...its what makes the world go round..*grin

(15:18:03) liqrlocker : Have a great holiday folks...Bye!!!

(15:18:11) ViceCop says to Richard: well this is a general observation i have formed after having been in many chat rooms.................. first off stuff people would forgive or ignore IRL they suddenly get offended by here in a room, second most chat admins go overboard with it.....

(15:18:26) SxySr(m) says to liqrlocker: taks care

(15:18:27) Richard says to liqrlocker: Merry christmas

(15:18:46) liqrlocker : leaves the room...

end of true transcripts....Pics have been removed to protect the innocent

Please after reading the transcripts continue on to this link....Thank you very much

Buford Speaks 2