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Bunny Momma
Angie's Bunnykins
DeQuincy, Louisiana

<----Click the grass to see the Bunny pop up!YAY THE PICS ARE HERE!!!I have standard Rex, and French Lops. They are absotlutely gorgeous and I love every one of them. If anyone wants the can contact me at Thank you. Check out the Links page and you'll find other good sites and also the Bunny forum message board. You can also e-mail me from the Links page and get your own page's link put on there. I am soooo Happy!! My Agouti/White French lop, Wasp, just had 6 beautiful babies tonight. They all look to be broken colored bunnies. I'll take pics of them soon so you all can see them. *does happy dance*

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............... ............... ............... ............... Bunnykins!