Memorial for Paulie

HOME This page is a lot darker than the others, but that is due to my grief over losing a beloved friend. That friend was a black/white mixed breed bunny by the name of Paulie. She was a very sweet bunny and a great mommy. She passed away during a very hard labor, in which the babies just wouldn't come out. I was away from home when she went in to labor, and found her when I got back, but it was already too late. Once before one of our rabbits got a baby stuck, we were here and able to assist her in having the kit. This time however we were gone. I cried for days over sweet Paulie. I do not know why her babies just wouldn't come. If anyone knows of what may have caused this, please let me know. The buck was smaller than Paulie so I don't figure that would have been a problem. I'm just so confused as to what happened. It saddens me to lose such a wonderful friend, but we will always remember her fondly.
We'll always love you Paulie!