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Little Problems

Season 5, episode 8



A gang of thugs is stealing from one of Aphrodite's temples. Xena and Gabrielle burst through the doors, yada yada yada, the bad guys run away. Aphrodite pops in to say "thanks" and shows Xena and Gabrielle her latest thing, a diamond necklace. She has the "sisters" in the back of her temple trying to heal sick people, who in turn leave lots of things in the temple as a gesture of thanks. Xena walks around and stops by an unconscious girl. Xena tells the girl she would switch places with her if it would wake her up. Aphrodite says, alright, and "poof" Xena faints and the little girl sits up. Then the little girl, Daphne says she is Xena and somehow Aphrodite screwed up and she has Xena and Daphne in the same body. This leaves Xena's body as a pregnant hull languishing around unconscious. Aphrodite says "oops", but not to worry she'll figure out how to fix it, and yes, the baby will still be fine. Daphne's father shows up, says, hey, you're awake, now get up and come on. "Xena" tells Gabrielle she'll be alright and asks Gabrielle to look after her body. Gabrielle is upset with Aphrodite for mucking up the spell.

Daphne's father tells her her mother is dead. He is very silent. Daphne grieves over her mother's death. Xena appears in the mirror and offers comfort to Daphne.

Gabrielle pulls Xena's body to a safe place. She turns around and all the bad guys are there. They want Xena's body. Aphrodite disappears and Gabrielle grabs a rope and beats up all the bad guys. Dite re-appears and Gabrielle asks Aphrodite to seal up the "safe place". Aphrodite and Gabrielle now have to go to the Gemini Club to see Castor and Pollox about some oil that will separate Xena and Daphne.

Daphne and her father go to market. Xena tries to convince Daphne to talk to her dad. A horse runs away and goes dashing through the market. Daphne turns into Junior Xena and tosses a frisbee, does some flips, the war cry, and lands on the horses back, complete with long-missing Warrior Princess Theme music. The bad guys are watching all this and make the connection that Xena is in that little body.

Gabrielle and Aphrodite dress up as the siamese twins Bruna and Hilda from Val to get into the Gemini Club. They meet Castor and Pollux who asks them to bed in Norweigan, and then they wrestle in oil and mud(Gab and Dite win!:) and then they are found out to be individuals not siamese twins. Gabrielle grabs the castor oil and they run away.

Teflon is not happy that his warriors were beaten up by a scrawny little girl(BTW, they were beaten up by Daphne). Teflon says he wants his revenge on that leather clad bitch, because Xena scarred half of his face. Daphne goes fishing and remembers that she was at the fishing spot before. That time she fell in and her mother drowned saving her. Daphne runs from her father and goes to cry. The bad guys conk Dad in the head and take him hostage so Xena will come to them. Xena tries to comfort Daphne by telling her that her mother loved her so much and it wasn't Daphne's fault that her mom died. Gabrielle finds Daphne, and tells Xena the switch must take place before sundown. Xena sends Aphrodite to get Xena's body, and Xena/Daphne and Gabrielle go to save Dad.

Gabrielle approaches the front gates with Daphne/Xena. She says that Dphne is her daughter and is selling "Junior Amazon Cookies" the guard comes to them to get a free sample and Xena cuts off the flow of blood to his brain. I felt bad for him, he was going to buy some cookies. He seemed nice. Daphne finds Dad and sets him free. Daphne and Dad have a heart-to-heart. Gabrielle appears and tells them to come on, the coast is clear. Dad and Gabrielle get away but Daphne is caught. Teflon takes Daphne up the castle stairs. Dad and Gabrielle get attacked by thugs. Gabrielle and Dad whip butt.

Daphne tries to make a break for it. Then Teflon faces off against Xena/Daphne. Teflon finally falls over the edge of the castle roof. Aphrodite appears with Xena's body and administers the castor oil. Xena and Daphne go check on Dad and Gabrielle. Dad and Daphne hug, dad tells Daphne that he loves her. Xena beams at Gabrielle. Xena hugs Daphne, says goodbye, she'll be back. Xena and Gabrielle walk off down the beach for a very long time.

Disclaimer:No Pie Tins were harmed during the making of Tharon's mask.

Things to look out for:

Something I noticed:In the movie "The Long Kiss Goodnight, the star, Charlie, had in the past(physically) scarred the face of someone who was trying to kill her. Years passed and he came back to get revenge because she scarred him(by shoving a needle in his eye, making him blind and scarring him). When he comes back he says "I want my eye back bitch.". Now in Xena, we have the star, Xena. Who in the past had (physically) scarred someone, in the face, who had tried to kill her. Years passed and he came back to get revenge on the account of she scarred his face up. And when he comes back, he says "That leather clad bitch took half my face". See the connection :)

From Virginia V Kelly. The "cunning linguists" line (during the time aphrodite and Gab are Siamese Twins) was originally used in the James Bond movie with Michele Yeoh. Bruna and Hilda from Val would be a nod to Brunehilde from a Wagner opera, DIE WALKURE. I assume Val is for Valkyrie.

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My Disclaimer, things were taken from Whoosh, whole paragraphs even.