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A Family Affair


Ted Raimi (Joxer)



The Episode

After seeing in hr vision that Gabrielle is alive, Xena heads towards Poteidaia. She meets with Joxer, who has been placing fresh flowers at Gabrielle's "grave" every day. They find Gabrielle alive and well. But there is danger. Gabrielle informs them that something has been killing livestock, and now a person. Xena tries to kill it, but the thing is too fast. Xena tells Joxer that the monster is the Destroyer and therefore the girl is not Gabrielle, but Hope. Ares, after Hope had "died" lifted the whole "if Xena kills Hope, Xena dies" thing.

So, Xena is going to try and kill Hope and the Destroyer. While trying to find the Destroyer lair, Xena finds the real Gabrielle. And Joxer runs into Hope. Joxer finds himself hanging from a tree in front of the cave of the Destroyer.

Xena goes in to talk to Gabrielle's parents(and explain everything), but Hope has told them Xena hurt her and they tell her to leave. Gab talks to Lila for a while, and eplains things, and also talks to Hope for a bit. Like that will ever help anything. Xena frees Joxer, did you ever have any doubt?

The Destroyer chases Xena into the barn. Gabrielle isn't there, as apparently she and Xena planned. Gabrielle comes in the barn and pretends to be Hope. She tells the Destroyer that they will kill Xena together. She pets it, and then Xena puts her sword into the Destroyer's back. Hope comes in, and the Destroyer kills her, and then realizes that he has killed his mother. Then he hugs her, cries, and then both die.

Gab and Xena have a talk, and leave together.

Disclaimer:No Spike-Skinned, Beast-Like, Incredibly Hungry Offspring who can't stand the sun were harmed during the production of this motion picture.

10-28-98. These things are by Beth Gaynor.

Listen closely when Hope walks away from the bound-up Joxer. Joxer says a naughty word! I guess just like Kenny, you can get away with saying anything if it's muffled enough.

The stage blocking when Hope threatens Gabrielle's family is off. From where Lila was standing, she should have been staring right at the floating swords, but she seems to be blind to them.

Watch for the shooting mismatch when Gabrielle holds her hand over Lila's mouth. When they shoot over Lila's shoulder, Gab's hand is across Lila's mouth, but when they shoot over Gabrielle's shoulder, her hand is vertical.

10-28-98. From BladeMast. When Gabrielle says to Hope: "I saw the flames. No one could have survived that." Hope replies: "No one except me." Um . . .didn't Gabrielle fall into the same flames? If no one except Hope survived......

10-28-98. From BladeMast. When Gabrielle is in her room and crosses in front of the mirror to pick up the doll, *her image does not reflect in the mirror*. Hope walks in front of the mirror and her image *does* reflect. Gabrielle looks up at the mirror and at first thinks it's her own reflection, and so looks back down at the doll in her hands. It's only when Hope *speaks* that Gabrielle realizes she isn't alone. So, how can Gabrielle stand in front of a mirror and not have it reflect her image???

10-19-98. From Bret Rudnick. In the Garbled Language Department: Listen to what Joxer says as he's dangling outside Spiny Norman's cave -- even though he's gagged, it's pretty clear he says "Oh, Sh*t!" And when the creature realises he's skewered Hope, he cries out "MAMA!" Simple and subtle touches add so much!

My disclaimer: Some things were taken from whoosh, a sentence here or there, the credits and "things to look out for". BTW, I'm sure there is a ton of spelling errors. Sorry 'bout that.

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