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Episode #92

Season 5, episode 02




The Episode

Ares and Kal(another war god)argue in Kal's abode. Kal wants Xena. Ares tells him to stop it; she isn't his to take. Ares says Kal is upset because Ares stole the Dark Chakram a long time ago. Kal says Xena teamed with Eli and this is a bad thing somehow. Ares disappears. A monk, Brother Caleb, is sent to retrieve something from a temple. He approaches an altar of the yin and yang, and one chakram, in the light part, remains. The Dark Chakram is missing. Caleb picks up the light chakram, sparks fly, and he is char-broiled. The chakram falls back into its place on the altar.

Back to the abondened building where Xena and Gabrielle were resurrected. Joxer says he is glad they aren't dead. Amarice puts a blanket around Xena and gives her the broken chakram. Joxer leads Amarice away. Xena says she feels like she has misplaced something. She put the chakram together. Xena says she doesn't know what it is, but it's sharp and looks dangerous. Gabrielle can't believe Xena doesn't remember but Xena says she's hazy on everything.

Xena, Joxer, Gabrielle and Amarice go to town. Gabrielle gets cool threads -- brown Amazon-like clothing. Xena has a long red gown one with a scarf. Gabrielle also has sais, which Amarice says are for Xena. Xena says she doesn't know anything about weapons. Some of Kal's goons show up and they start fighting w/ our merry little group. Gabrielle uses those sais very well and Amarice kicks butt. Xena gets hit in the face and knocked down. The head goon goes for Xena. Gabrielle tells Joxer to go help Xena while she and Amarice hold them off. They all run away back to their lair.

Back at the Cave, Eli waits. Xena says she can't remember anything about violence. Xena has lost her fire, her edge, her marbles(as Joxer puts it), her self. Xena feels empty. Eli says Kal must be a part of it when Xena remembers that the head goon said that name. The evil guards are in the distance, following, though, so they all scram.

Eli says they should go see his friend Caleb, who is a knowledgeable scholar. They head to his place along the way Joxer asks Eli about telling Gabrielle he loves her.

Xena tries to remember, but doesn't believe the stories the others are telling her about her evil days. Amarice gets upset with the memory loss and Xena's "innocence" and goes off hunting. And Xena follows Amarice. Xena finds Amarice. And then Kal and his evil men come. Amarice gets knocked flat. The evil head man goes to kill her but Xena steps in the way. Kal tells Xena to go with him, or the friend dies. So Xena goes with him. Gabrielle tracks Xena, everyone else follows.

Xena is in manacles. Kal tells Xena she should know him. He says he once was on the way to being top war god. Ares arrives and releases Xena from her manacles. Ares and Kal fight. Xena backs away, she sees a chakram symbol and is drawn to it. She traces it with her finger, and remembers a couple of times when she used it. And then she escapes out the window while Kal and Ares fight.

Gabrielle and others watch Kal's abode, working up a plan. Xena pops up. They all go to Calebs. Caleb is missing. Xena realizes that Caleb is dead. Eli says he won't let his friend's death be a waste, so he sets to reading all these scrolls to find answers. He tells everyone else to rest.

Xena climbs in the bath. Joxer turns around and finds Xena there. He is embarrassed. He asks Xena about Gabrielle, and how to tell her he loves her. Xena says Joxer expects too much; he should just tell her with no strings attached. Joxer leaves.

Ares appears to Xena. He gives Xena a massage. Xena doesn't seem to know what "bad" or "evil" is. She stands up and gives Ares plenty to look at. Ares says its all about him and Xena, and how they are destined to rule the world together and bring order to the world. They begin to kiss but Gabrielle interrupts. She is none too happy with the Greek God of War. And so Ares disappears.

Joxer and Amarice try to figure out why Ares is involved. Eli learns about the chakram of light, which can kill the gods, but can only be lifted by someone pure, like Xena is now. Xena wants to walk away from everything but the others convince her to see things through so she'll get back to normal somehow and keep the gods from ruling the world.

Kal and Ares talk. They call a truce and agree to work together against Xena's efforts to get the Light Chakram. They decide to greet Xena with an army at the Temple of the Chakram.

Xena prays, with the broken chakram in her hands. She doesn't know if they're doing the right thing. Gabrielle comes to her and tells her it'll be okay. Xena questions the restoration of her dark self. "I think you have to know the darkest part of yourself to be whole," Gabrielle says. Without the light and the darkness, Xena is defenseless.

Amarice and Gabrielle do some slaughtering and set-up work. Amarice and Gabrielle have big bombs, which they light and throw. Joxer, Eli, and Xena run through the gate. Xena goes in the temple while the others fight. She sees the yin/yang altar, and picks up the Light Chakram and goes outside.

The others are on the temple steps, facing off against the army and Kal and Ares. Xena goes to throw the Light Chakram, which is supposed to kill gods, but says she can't kill and drops the chakram. Gabrielle tells everyone to run, and they go into the temple. Amarice retrieves the chakram. Eli tries to figure out why Xena is still so sweet. Army guys beat at the doors. Joxer decideds to tell Gabrielle he loves her before she dies on him again. Gabrielle looks really confused.

Eli says that if the chakrams are joined, the power to kill a god will be diffused. And niether of the war gods would want it anymore. Amarice and Gabrielle kick butt again as the evil men break down the doors. The broken Dark Chakram is put on the altar, and it mends itself. Ares touches Eli and acts like he's been bitten by a snake or something; and backs away. Gabrielle hits Kal, and then Kal hits Gabrielle and knocks her down. Kal goes to kill Gabrielle. Xena sees, grabs the chakram from the altar, and swipes and slices Kal in the stomach. He explodes.

Xena is stunned by her actions. Ares tells Xena it wasn't her fault, and she should just give him the chakram. Xena picks up the other chakram. She puts them together over her head; they dance around between her hands and become Super Chakram. And Xena is back! Yelling, flipping, fighting, breaking heads, and using her new chakram with lots of expertise. The new chakram splits up in several ways, and Xena throws it in two directions, saving both Amarice and Gabrielle.

Ares asks Xena why she neutralized the chakrams. Xena says no one needs that kind of power. Back at Caleb's, Eli bids them all goodbye; he's going to stay and read awhile. And Eli tells Xena that it wasn't all him that resurrected them. Joxer and Gabrielle talk. Joxer tells Gabrielle she doesn't have to say anything; he just wanted her to know.

The four walk toward Greece. Xena and Gabrielle lag behind Joxer and Amarice. Xena thanks Gabrielle for putting her back together again. She tells Gabrielle that when she asked for a sign, she got the Bard, and that meant they were doing the right thing.

The End

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Previous episode, Fallen Angel

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