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Fallen Angel




The Episode

We see Joxer, in the snow, talking to Americe. He say he's been having nightmares about Xena and Gabrielle, he thinks they are in trouble. Amarice points to the bodies on the crosses. And Joxer falls to his knees, with tears on his cheeks. Eli comes around, and says he loved them as well as Amarice and Joxer. Joxer says he wants to take their bodies back home to Greece. And even after Amarice says that will be almost impossible, Joxer still insists. Xena and Gabrielle, in white togas wait for angels who come and start guding them towards the light. Demons come and attack. The demons make the angels drop first Gabrielle and then Xena. Gabrielle cries out for Xena, and Xena tries to fall toward Gabrielle. They almost touch hands when Callisto grabs Xena. Gabrielle keeps falling, and eventually hits the ground. Xena and Callisto exchange blows. And then Archangel Michael grabs Xena and his avenging Archangel army come to help, too. Michael tells Xena that her friend has been taken to hell. Xena decides she will go to hell and save Gabrille, and goes under a purification ritual, and gets her wings.

Meanwhile Gabrielle is resisting the urge to eat the fruits of hell, which will make her a demon. In the real world, Joxer, Eli, and Amarice cut down the bodies from the crosses. Amarice says some things to Eli, about how Eli's way of Love killed both Xena and Gab by making Gab helpless. Eli is hurt and leaves. Amarice and Joxer decide they have to bury the bodies where they are.

Xena learns from Michael that if Gabrielle has gone to far down the roads of demonland, Xena can sacrifice her own "light" to save Gabrielle's soul. But it condemns her to be a demon for eternity and her soul won't be reborn or anything.

The archangels arrive in hell to rescue Gabrielle. Xena and Callisto fight. Michael grabs Gabrielle. Xena and Callisto fight some more. Xena chops off Callisto's wing. Callisto tells Xena she'll hate Xena forever because of what she did to her family and what she turned her into. Xena has great compassion and says no, and gives Callisto her light.

Michael throws Gabrielle into the purification waters, and Gabrielle emerges all sparkly clean. Michael tells Gabrielle that Xena gave herself up to save one of the damned. Gabrielle meets Callisto, now Touched By An Angel. Callisto is as she would have been had Xena not killed her family. Gabrielle tells Callisto that she shouldn't be in heaven; she murdered Gabrielle's husband and many innocent people. Callisto says she doesn't remember any of that stuff. Michael tells Gabrielle that Xena chose to suffer in Callisto's place. He says he's very worried about the fighting now, because Xena would have been a match for Michael even before she became an archangel.

Downstairs, though, Demon Xena sets herself up as a leader, and encourages her new troops to get ready to take paradise.

In heaven, the angels all arm themselves. Michael tells Gabrielle that the only way to stop Xena is to chop her into little pieces and let all those little pieces spend time in eternity. Gabrielle says she'll do what she has to to stop Xena. Gab forgives Callisto, and then becomes an angel.

The demons attack. Xena and Gabrielle talk; Xena tries to get Gabrielle to join her in hell. She tells Gabrielle that their love transcends heaven and hell. Then Xena pleads with Gabrielle not to let her walk through hell alone. But Gab declines that offer and they go off alone and fight.

Eli sits by a tree and prays aloud. Callisto the angel goes to Eli and tells him to go to Xena and Gabrielle's bodies. Eli goes to the bodies and prays over them. Callisto joins him and touches the bodies with him, giving him the power of resurrection.

Just as Xena is about to throw herself and Gab into hell, Eli brings them back to life. As the bodies wake up. Michael and Angel Callisto watch. Callisto moves in and touches Xena, (either healing her broken back or making a baby, or something). Michael tells Callisto it's time for her to meet her family, and there's a happy reunion scene. Gabrielle tells Xena they are going to be together for eternity and Xena agrees.

Disclaimer: Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. These things are by Beth Gaynor.

Things to look out for

Feet blooper: Callisto has cloven hooves, but during the distance shot of her and Angel-Xena fighting, she has feet. (Theoretically, ALL the demons have hooves, but during the battles most of 'em seem to have feet.)

It took me a couple of replays to figure out whose hand grasps whose when Xena and Gabrielle are brought back. Xena's left hand takes Gab's right, before Xena pops up and does that painful-sounding squeaky breathing like her lungs haven't been used in a day or two.

My Views

All I can say is I like Amarice and Eli a lot more than I ever did before. I think its strange though, that Joxer once risked his life to try and save Argo, but he won't risk his life to bury Xena next to her brother. It was her final request and all. But I always liked Joxer, and always will. So I'll let it slide. I'm a little mad at Gabrielle, she should have gone and spent eternity in hell w/ xena. Xena would have for Gabrielle.

Next Episode, Chakram

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My Disclaimer:Some things were taken from whoosh, paragraph here or there, and the cast credits and stuff.