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undefined "Day Dreams"

"The Dream"

You have been given a dream - a purpose for being here... And in each life, it is up to you to make a difference... To leave joy, smiles and laughter as you pass the people by... To touch a life and leave an imprint of love... This is your task-your challenge-your pursuit.

It will be up to you when all has been said and done... Whether you accomplish your purpose for being on this earth. Some may try to hinder that purpose or even thwart it... But if you really hold on to the dream, you will see it through. No one can really affect your dreams unless you allow them to. No one can change your dreams unless you give your dreams to them.

Never settle for anything less than your purpose. Never go back on your word - make it count for more than just words. And when you lay your head down at night, you will find peace. Not only within yourself but with the dream that lives within you. And at the end if you are granted a chance to look back... You will smile for you will have lived your dream and your purpose will have been fulfilled.

Poem by Marsha B. Smith

"My Banner"

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

"Thought To Live By For The Day"

"Look for good and ye will find it. Search for it, for it is as a pearl of great price."

"Welcome" "I'm Glad There's You" "A Mother's Thoughts"
"A Wish for You, My Children" "When God Created Daughters" "What Is A Son?"
"A Special Thank-You to Our Daughter-in-Laws" "For Our Son-in-Law" "When Day Is Done"
"To My Special Friends" "Don't Look Back" "The Poetry Tree"
"Count Your Garden" "God Bless America" "What's Cooking"
"Sunday's Child" "Roses" "Flowers"
"Our All Stars" "Our Little Angels" "Yesterday And Today"
"Prissy's Domain" "In Memory of Our Queens" "My Cherub Realm"
"My Supporters Glen" "Gifts From My Friends" "My Flower Garden"
"Globes from Friends and Supporters" "My Awards" "Friendship"
"To My Best Friend" "My Banners and Gifts" "Celebrate Everything"
"My Special Awards" "Useful Tips" "Summer Time"
"Americas Tragedy" "John's Memorial" "When I Am An Old Woman"
"Pioneer Spirit" "Day Dreams Boat Spirit" "Wishing Stars Spirit"
"Legends Of Time Spirit" "COMING SOON" "COMING SOON"

"Please check back often as I
am always changing or adding."

This rose sheds its tears for all those
lost to Domestic Violence, those still victim
and to those yet to become victim.
When Domestic Violence is stopped...
this rose will sparkle again with beauty....
and its tears will end.

"This clear ribbon trimmed in gold
represents the hundreds of thousands
of people who are part of the
population of people diagnosed with
lung cancer."

Locks of Love is a fantastic
cause that helps children who
suffer from loss of hair due to
illnesses one of them being Cancer.
Click on the button that says
Locks of Love, to see how you
can help.

"This dove is to support cancer victims
and the families of cancer victims."

"This dove of peace flies from
site to site, through as
many countries as possible.
Please help it make a line
around the globe, by taking
it with you to your site."

"Click on the Wall of Cannons banner to view
some of the previous competitions I have
participated in."
I am sorry to see these competitions no longer participating.

"To those who wish to send e-mail
and those who wish to vote exchange
click on the dove and send info."

"Thank you Hope."

Please sign this guestbook as this is a
new one. Old one is below.

Read my DreamBook guestbook!
Sign my DreamBook!

This is my old guestbook which is no longer
accepting entries, please sign the new one

"Thank you for visiting my site,
if you feel it worthy of a vote,
please click on this button and
it will take you to my ONE STOP VOTING PAGE
Thank you so much for voting for my site".



TWF Spirit Contest


"Please click on above banners and vote for
my Top Sites if you feel it worthy of a vote."
"Thank You Very Much For Your Vote."

These are the competitions I
am actively involved in now.

These are the competitions I
was previously in.

I have been captured and am in Jail
at TWF, HELP, HELP, HELP, I need to
be released. Click on image to release
me. "Pretty Please"

Wendy's Backgrounds Victorian Elegance

Click for Covington, Louisiana Forecast

Site Fights Spirit Counter

TSF Vote Banner Exchange
TSF Vote Banner Exchange