"My Awards" "The Cherubs are here to take care of my Awards." "This is an extreme honor to be in "Top Dogs" Hall of Fame." Thank you "Top Dog" for this honor and award." "Thanks goes out to "Top Dog and his Angel Assistants" and to "Top Kat and Staff". For this most wonderful award of which I am most proud to receive." "Thanks goes out to the "Cherub Staff" for this most wonderful award." "This is an award I am truly proud of." "Thank you Cherub Staff and Lady Glimmer." "This award was a complete surprise. Thank you Lady Glimmer, Fairy Kay and The Cherub Glen, I am truly proud to receive this award. I received this award on 9-10-2000" "This award was a complete surprise. Thank you DSpirit, all the Spirits, Fairies, Wee Ones, Sprites and DTwinklePurr. I am truly proud to receive this award. I received this award for shouting on 9-21-2000." "Thank you Lady Glimmer."