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"For Our Son-in-Law"

We never thought anyone would be
good enough for our "little girl" --
until we met you!

We see how much you care
for our daughter
by the thoughtful things
you do and say,
and that makes us love you
even more.

You are always kind and courteous;
We feel more than welcome
in your home.

We love the way we can talk
about anything.
You aren't afraid to ask our opinion
on any subject,
and we thank you for that.

In all the world, we couldn't have picked
a more perfect husband
for our most precious treasure:
our daughter.
Today, we want to let you know this,
and assure you of our caring
and appreciation.

We’re always here for you.
You are an important addition
to our family,
and we love you like a son.

~Poem by Joy Barnett~

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