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"Let the Nations be awakened"
~~~Joel 3:12~~~


"Out of the ashes the "Phoenix" has arisen."

As the Lady stands
holding her Torch,
we to as the
"American People",
stand with our heads
held high. Many have
come through her doors,
from other shores,
and made there home in this

"Land of the Free".

We are the ones who are left
behind to carry on. We have
emerged from war that was
shoved upon us, with scars,
but we will survive, we will
not cave in to such an act,
that was thrown at us to try
and bring us to our knees, as
we are

"The American People,
United together and we shall

September 11, 2001

"May this Liberty Bell, toll forever
for freedom thoughout the world. This
candle will stay lit for all those
who lost there lives, from this
senseless act against freedom
and to light the way for freedom
for all."

"Please click on the
Twin Tower Button to
go to page 2."