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"My Elfin Spirit Page"

Where you go I will follow.
Where you sleep I shall wait.
Where you look you will not find me.
Until it is too late...
Elf Bite Me.....

Our Queen has been found and is now resting
Among her beloved fairies and elves......minus
Elf Bite Me...... He must be kept away from
Our beloved Queen, so as you roam the forest
Be on the lookout for that evil "Elf Bite Me"
He could be lurking any where in the darkest

So in order to keep our "Beloved Queen" safe
You must vote here so that the evil Elf Bite Me
Can do no harm to her and help me in my quest to
Protect her.
Please click the banner to vote

"My Elfin Awards"

"Team Level"

"Spirit Awards"

(Vote and Cheer)

"Team Topping Spirit"

Please click on Wishing Stars button
To return to Wishing Stars Spirit Page