Art Gallery

This area of the cafe will feature fans' own creative illustrations and art in tribute to Teena Marie. Since she has shared such a creative side with her fans, it is only natural that many people choose to "thank her" in this way. Would you like your work to be included here? Then click here for the Guidelines.

Here's looking at Teena!

by Sammi Bogues

Guidelines for Inclusion:
If you'd like to see your artwork of Teena featured here, send e-mail to
behindthegroove@apexmail.com and take note of the following.

  • Only send copies of your art/illustration/painting/etc. Do not send originals. No materials will be returned.
  • You can send your art via e-mail or snail mail. E-mail me for my address or to send the pictures in an e-mail attachment.
  • The art must be of or related to Teena Marie.
  • Only one art piece per person will be accepted.
  • Don't forget, this is an unofficial website, and I don't have any means of sending any artwork to Teena Marie herself.
  • If your piece has a title, by all means let me know what it is.
  • I'll be happy to accept photos of Teena, but those will be featured in the main Behind the Groove picture gallery, not here in the art gallery.
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